14 Two-Minute Habits to Do Each Day

14 Two-Minute Habits to Do Each Day
Building positive habits and routines can make life less stressful, and improve the quality of your and your family's life. (Shutterstock)
Mollie Donghia

Having a clutter free home is something many people strive towards. It’s more calm, orderly, and less overwhelming each time you walk in the front door.

Seeing a clean countertop when I first walk out to the kitchen each morning or a bed that’s freshly made gives me a little more motivation even if I have a busy day ahead of me.

It can be easy to declutter a room or do a big day of cleaning, but what happens when things begin to pile up or your organization systems don’t seem to be keeping up with the amount of stuff you have?

One way we’ve addressed the overwhelm of clutter in our home is by deciding on simple Two-Minute Habits that we must do each day. They’re easy, quick, and make such a big difference in keeping up with a home while raising our three not-so-tidy kids!
Here are 14 of our favorite Two-Minute Habits:

1. Put Your Shoes, Coat, and Bags away as Soon as You Enter the House.

These items should be easy to put away but sure can make a huge mess when everyone decides to dump their belongings right inside the front door.

2. Make Your Bed.

Ever since I became a stay-at-home-mom, a freshly made bed was one habit that needed to be done every single day. Whoever gets out of bed last is responsible for making the bed– it’s usually not me

3. Put the Dirty Dishes in the Dishwasher.

One dirty dish in the sink usually gives way for many others to follow, so instead of making exceptions, aim to put all dirty dishes right into the dishwasher or give non-dishwasher safe items a quick rinse. That way you’ll have a clean sink throughout the day and don’t leave a mess for others.

4. Dry the Dishes After you Wash Them.

We always used to let our dinner dishes air-dry overnight, until I noticed how nice a clean countertop was when I woke up each morning. It’s one less thing to do on a busy morning and it starts my day off a little less hectic when that space is already clean.

5. Put your Clean, Folded Laundry Away.

Oh, laundry. It always seems to be never ending. I’ve recently made an agreement with myself to not leave a pile of laundry unfolded before I go to bed, and likewise not leave the folded laundry in each basket. I’m not perfect at this, but it’s an easy thing to do that causes less of a bottle-neck in the closet as the dirty laundry begins to amount again.

6. Wipe Down Kitchen Countertops at the End of the Day.

Even if you didn’t prep food or cook on a certain surface, our flat surfaces collect all sorts of dust, crumbs, little fingerprints, and germs throughout the day. Give them all a quick spray and wipe them down.

7. Take the Recycling Out Each Day.

I’m not sure how we always seem to have a pile of recyclables, but it’s something that can really take up a lot of room next to our sink. Taking out the recyclables is one of our son’s daily chores that he has learned to do each day.

8. Put Dirty Clothes in the Hamper or Hang Them Back up.

This one takes very little time at all, but yet we still think the foot of the bed or floor is a good spot for that shirt we just don’t feel like hanging back up.

9. Bring any Items in From the Car.

This includes all those kids’ toys they needed to have a peaceful ride: snack cups, water bottles, books, gym bag, shoes, etc… They sure can add up to a huge pile after weeks of not clearing out the car.

10. Vacuum Underneath the Kitchen Table after Dinner.

Our kids are messy eaters and there’s usually a pile of crumbs under the table after every meal! One of our daughter’s daily chores is to vacuum the kitchen floor after dinner, using the handheld vacuum. This may seem like a time consuming habit to do each day but if a 5-year-old can handle it, you can too.

11. Clear Flat Surfaces by Returning all Items Back to Their Home.

In our home, we have a simple rule that every item has a home. If it doesn’t, maybe it needs to be removed. When items are returned back to their home at the end of each day, clutter doesn’t have a chance to continue to pile up. Start each new day with a clear desk, kitchen countertop, and table.

12. Pick out Your Clothes the Night Before.

This one is something I began doing about 2 years ago, and have probably missed less than a handful of times total. It’s too easy not to decide and choose what I’ll wear for the next day. And when the early morning of tomorrow begins, it’s one less decision I have to make as I get the day started.

13. Do Something with the Kid’s Artwork.

On any given day, we have piles of coloring pages, painting, drawings, or some other preschool art project. At the end of each day, do something with these items. Either hang them up on an artwork board, fridge, or something else in your home, or discreetly recycle them after the kids go to bed.

14. Throw out Old  Food from the Fridge.

We really try not to waste much food, but sometimes leftovers don’t get eaten in time. As you clean up after a meal, be mindful about scanning the fridge for any food items that aren’t being eaten and are just taking up space in the fridge. And don’t forget to put that dirty dish in the dishwasher too!
Mollie (and her husband, Mike) blog at This Evergreen Home where they share their experience with living simply, intentionally, and relationally in this modern world. You can follow along by subscribing to their twice-weekly newsletter. This story originally published in This Evergreen Home.
Mollie Donghia and her husband, Mike, blog at This Evergreen Home where they share their experience with living simply, intentionally, and relationally in this modern world. You can follow along by subscribing to their twice-weekly newsletter.
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