10 Free Chrome Hacks That Will Change the Way You Browse the Internet

Google’s Chrome web browser accounted for 31.41% of global desktop browsing in November, according to Net Marketshare
10 Free Chrome Hacks That Will Change the Way You Browse the Internet
The Chrome logo is displayed at a Google event in New York on Oct. 8, 2013. (Mark Lennihan/ AP Photo)

Google’s Chrome web browser accounted for 31.41% of global desktop browsing in November, according to Net Marketshare. That makes it the second most popular browser in the world behind Internet Explorer, which had a global market share of 50.03% in November. IE and Microsoft Edge’s combined share continues to decline each month despite continuing to ship on millions of computers. Meanwhile, Chrome has enjoyed consistent growth as more and more people abandon the alternatives.

But as good as Chrome is, there are plenty of simple ways to make it better. In this post, we'll tell you about free 10 extension for Google’s Chrome browser that will change the way you surf the web.


Protecting yourself while you browse the web is imperative these days. A good VPN service is the first and most important step in making sure that your privacy and anonymity are respected. There are plenty of services out there, but Betternet will protect you for free. The service makes money when users install apps from its partners — you can learn more here.

Download Betternet for free


Did you just come across an article you want to read but you don’t have the time right now? A simple click on the Instapaper button in Chrome will save the article for later. Then you can visit the Instapaper site whenever you want and read the article in a simplified reader layout, or you can click through to read it on the original site.

Download Instapaper for free


You can stop watching YouTube for 12 seconds to browse to another page, but why should you have to? Sideplayer shrinks any YouTube video down and places it in a small box similar to picture-in-picture on a TV. The box hovers over whatever other page you’re on, so you never have to stop watching that cute cat video on loop while you browse.

Download Sideplayer for free


Sticking with the “side” theme for a moment, Sidenote is a simple extension for Chrome that lets you take notes in a panel on the side of your browser while you surf the web.

Download Sidenote for free


You will absolutely hate this Chrome extension, but you'll thank us later. StayFocus blocks time-wasting websites like Facebook and Twitter so you can stay on task and work more efficiently.

Download StayFocused for free


Passwords are a huge pain. Using the same password on every site makes it easier to log in everywhere, but it’s insanely unsecure. Instead, 1password manages all your passwords for you. It creates nice long passwords for each site you log into, and you never have to remember any of them. With the Chrome extension, simply click the 1Password icon, enter your “one password” to unlock it, and then the app will log you into whatever site you’re on.

Download 1Password for free (full app for Mac/Windows is $50)

Infinity New Tab

Infinity New Tab creates a whole new world of possibilities when you open up a new tab. It’s customizable and beautiful, and it really is a must-have.

Download Infinity New Tab for free

Language Immersion

This is a great free Chrome extension that gives you no choice but to learn the new language you’re trying to tackle. Install the plugin, pick your language, tell the extension how well you know the new language already, and Language Immersion will sporadically replace words and phrases on the pages you browse with translated text.

Download Language Immersion for free


Give the spelling and grammar checker in Google’s Chrome browser a serious shot of adrenaline.

Download Grammarly for free


Shop smarter, not harder. PriceZombie is a free extension that will compare prices across a number of retailers when you visit a product page on any one retailer’s site.

Download PriceZombie for free

This article was originally published on BGR. Read the original article.