Apple iPhone 4G Expected To Premiere At WWDC10

The Apple iPhone 4G is expected to make its official public appearance at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC10) Monday.
Apple iPhone 4G Expected To Premiere At WWDC10
IPHONE 4G EXPECTED: At the WWDC09, Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller announced the iPhone 3Gs during his keynote in San Francisco. At WWDC10, Apple is expected to officially announce its new Apple iPhone 4G. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
<a><img src="" alt="IPHONE 4G EXPECTED: At the WWDC09, Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller announced the iPhone 3Gs during his keynote in San Francisco. At WWDC10, Apple is expected to officially announce its new Apple iPhone 4G. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)" title="IPHONE 4G EXPECTED: At the WWDC09, Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller announced the iPhone 3Gs during his keynote in San Francisco. At WWDC10, Apple is expected to officially announce its new Apple iPhone 4G. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1818962"/></a>
IPHONE 4G EXPECTED: At the WWDC09, Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller announced the iPhone 3Gs during his keynote in San Francisco. At WWDC10, Apple is expected to officially announce its new Apple iPhone 4G. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
The Apple iPhone 4G is expected to make its official public appearance at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC10) Monday. Many industry pundits are also expecting that the iPhone 4G will actually be an “iPhone HD,” sporting a 960X460 pixel screen, with the iPhone enthiusiasts from claiming to have literally put the new iPhone prototpye under a microscope.

Developers and other industry professionals will be traveling to California from all over the world to take part in the WWDC, with the conference having sold out in record time. The available slots for the conference were dolled out to 5,000 different technological developers in only eight days. Most conference attendees are looking to stay at the top of their game gaining knowledge on the newest versions of the iPhone, iPad, and various other Mac products. The WWDC10 begins Monday June 7th and will continue until Friday June 11th.

Yet the key topic remains faithful Apple customers, industry competitors, and technological know-it-alls awaiting the public introduction of the new iPhone, which was previously leaked to the press on two separate occasions. The new iPhone 4G that is expected to also have a new camera location and a faster internal processor.

An Apple iPhone 4G prototype was exposed by the media team at and then again by a Vietnamese internet source earlier this year. Both uncovered models lacked labeling but were highly likely to be prototypes of the new phase of iPhone.

Apple announced the WWDC10 at the end of May. The event “is focused on providing advanced content for skilled developers across five key technology tracks: Application Frameworks; Internet & Web; Graphics & Media; Developer Tools; and Core OS.”  

A complete list of events for the WWDC10 is available at along with a schedule outlining the week long conference. The conference will feature more than 100 technical sessions and hands-on training labs designed to provide developers with the ability to manage the ins and outs of creating and augmenting software for the majority of Apple devices.