An Unprecedented Evil Persecution: A Genocide Against Goodness in Humankind

An Unprecedented Evil Persecution: A Genocide Against Goodness in Humankind
Cover of the book "An Unprecedented Evil Persecution"
Torsten Trey
The Epoch Times is proud to republish “An Unprecedented Evil Persecution: a Genocide Against Goodness in Humankind” (eds. Dr. Torsten Trey and Theresa Chu. 2016. Clear Insight Publishing). The book helps with the understanding of forced organ harvesting in China by explaining the root cause behind this atrocity: the genocide committed by the Chinese regime against Falun Gong practitioners.

Table of Contents

Co-Editors’ Words

Section I: MEDIA

Chapter One: A Dictator’s Logic

by Michel Wu

Chapter Two: Total Media Monopoly

The Effective and Successful Manipulation of Even the Most Critical and Skeptical Opponents of the Chinese Party/State
by Clive Ansley

Chapter Three: Suppressing the Truth is the Root of all Evil

by Chang Chin-Hwa


Chapter Four: Falun Gong is not a Cult

by David Kilgour

Chapter Five: Falun Gong’s Influence on China’s Politics

by Yuan Hongbing

Chapter Six: Pouring the Entire Nation’s Efforts into Persecution

by Zhang Tianliang

Chapter Seven: Persecuting the peaceful: A political response

by Edward McMillan-Scott

Chapter Eight: Brainwashing: Extermination of Mind and Body

by Xia Yiyang

Chapter Nine: Brutality Unmasked: The Shocking Truth About Forced Organ Harvesting in China

by Katrina Lantos Swett

Chapter Ten: Silent Atrocities

by Teng Biao

Chapter Eleven: The Viciously Toxic Economy of “Red” Capitalism in Communist China

by Wu Huilin


Chapter Twelve: Unprecedented evil behind forced organ harvesting: The choice to die spiritually or physically

by Torsten Trey

Chapter Thirteen: China’s Execution-Transplantation System and International Institutions: A Too-Sticky Wicket?

by Kirk C. Allison

Chapter Fourteen: Forced Live Organ Harvesting—Transplant Abuse by the Chinese Communist Party

by Huang Shiwei

Section IV: LAW

Chapter Fifteen: Inattention to the killing of Falun Gong for their organs

by David Matas

Chapter Sixteen: Jiang Zemin: The Ultimate Evil in the Destruction of Human Nature

by Theresa Chu

Chapter Seventeen: An Extreme Evil on Earth

Becoming Aware of China’s Genocide and Taking Action
by Carlos Iglesias Jimenez


Chapter Eighteen: A Look at the Different Journeys of a Divine Culture in China and Abroad through Chinese Classical Dance

by Vina Lee

Chapter Nineteen: Under Shen Yun’s Glaring Brilliance the Chinese Communist Party is in an Awkward Position

by Yang Senhong

Co-Editors’ Words

Since publication in 2012, the book State Organs: Transplant Abuse in China, has been translated and published internationally, receiving positive feedback from medical and legal professionals, experts in various fields of business, and politicians. The book was co-edited by David Matas, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Canadian human rights lawyer, and Dr. Trey, Executive Director of Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH). Many people, while initially incredulous over these startling reports, are now facing the reality of China’s state-sanctioned organ harvesting of living prisoners of conscience. Forums and hearings intended to expose and end the government’s crimes have been held in many places, including the U.S. Congress and the European Parliament. Chinese citizens behind the iron curtain have risked their lives to sign a petition calling for action to stop these crimes. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to practice live organ harvesting.
An echo after the publication of State Organs revealed another aspect. It became obvious that the root beneath the forced organ harvesting as a profitable transplant market was a genocide the Chinese government committed against its own citizens—Falun Gong practitioners. In China they are reported to be the largest victim group used for sourcing of organs and to be the primary target of illegal forced organ harvesting precisely for the reason that they are highly vulnerable, persecuted, marginalized and ostracized. Discussions on an international level have made it clear: as long as the Falun Gong are the target of widespread persecution they will remain the primary source, and the crimes of live organ harvesting will continue.
An Unprecedented Evil Persecution Book Cover
An Unprecedented Evil Persecution Book Cover

Seeing a need to look into the root cause in order to stop the forced organ harvesting, Dr. Trey invited human rights activist and attorney, Ms. Chu, Esq., to join him in co-editing a new book that exposes and discusses the persecution of the Falun Gong in China and how it has played a vital role in the CCP’s organ harvesting crimes. Together they solicited analysis from renowned scholars, politicians, lawyers, physicians, artists and human rights activists who are long-time observers of China and the CCP’s crimes against humanity. The massive campaign to vilify and annihilate the peaceful, popular Falun Gong and the coinciding skyrocketing success of China’s transplant business was initiated under former Chinese Party Chief Jiang Zemin in July 1999. The book describes the global scope and impact from political, sociological, economical, medical, legal, journalistic, and cultural perspectives.

The objective analysis by 19 co-authors from Europe, North America, Australia and Asia offers the reader an opportunity to learn that the genocide of Falun Gong is not merely a campaign against 100 million practitioners who seek to cultivate themselves. This persecution has severely damaged the conscience and goodwill of human beings all over the world, and by trying to implicate every one of us in this unprecedented evil, has expanded into a threat against the very goodness inherent in humankind. If left unchecked, the extent of its impact is beyond our imagination. The title, An Unprecedented Evil Persecution, is an apt description of these atrocious crimes against humanity. The book is a solemn call to awaken our conscience. We must all do what we can to preserve the best of our humanity and end this human rights catastrophe that is unprecedented in its scale.
Torsten Trey, M.D., Ph.D., founder and executive director of the medical ethics advocacy group Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, is among those who lead the global movement against forced organ harvesting in China. Considered a leading expert in the field, Dr. Trey has co-authored books and written widely in medical journals on this topic. An international speaker, Dr. Trey was featured in the award-winning documentary “Human Harvest.” He is also co-editor of the book “State Organs: Transplant Abuse in China.”
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