Roberts feels passionate about providing an exceptional academic pro-American education to all students instead of indoctrination. Parents he speaks to throughout the nation are questioning school officials about this indoctrination and making sure the course is corrected, said Roberts.
“What they unearthed was evil,“ he said. ”What they unearthed was what I have argued is a cabal among the U.S. Department of Education, most curriculum vendors, and many state departments of education.”
The curricula approved by these government agencies and education organizations were written by radical leftist and socialists, Roberts said.
Parents Are the Answer
Parents are going to bring about the change in the school system as they did in Virginia, where voters elected Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin because of his pro-parent, anti-critical race theory stance. His opponent, former Gov. Terry McAuliffe, campaigned in favor of teachers unions and spoke down to the parents.Florida’s Parental Bill of Rights is extremely important, said Roberts.
Roberts said the Florida law has also put local lawmakers on notice that they must listen to the parents, and not to school board officials or school administrations.

School Choice for All
In Arizona, Gov. Steve Ducey recently signed into law a school choice bill that allows all students to claim a voucher that can be used to pay for private school, public charter school, home school, or other options.He said American conservatives want school choice and believe every dollar invested in education should follow the student to the school of their parents’ choice, and that they expect this to happen within the next few years.
Aside from the missed learning time, American students lag behind their international counterparts because they are not being taught academic subjects well enough, and instead there is a fixation on social justice and equity, said Roberts.
“An increasing percentage of time in American classrooms in the last 20 years has been spent on ideology, not on educational subjects,” he said. “That’s not what we need to be doing in schools. We need to be teaching kids how to read and write.”
Parents all across the United States have been questioning their school board officials about why hyper-sexualized content, transgender ideology, and critical race theory are being taught instead of more fundamental and necessary academic skills.
“Since 1990 and especially since 2010, the achievement of American students in every subject, relative to their peers—kids of the same age—in every other part of the world, has declined,” said Roberts.
‘Truth’ and Facts Are Real
A former professor of history, Roberts said despite what the progressives believe, there is such a thing as objective truth and facts, and that students in public schools need to be educated using a pro-American curriculum.“Part of that objective truth, part of the facts about America are that this country was founded with a very noble objective,” said Roberts, “because a person from any faith, ethnic background, any economic background can come to America, and ... they are guaranteed equal opportunity,” said Roberts.
They are not guaranteed equal outcome, Roberts said, unlike what the left wants to believe.
The Founding Fathers believed in natural law and that all humans are equal in the eyes of God, said Roberts.
“Each one of us, regardless of our differences in skin color, differences in religion, differences in being rich or poor, we’re the same. We’re equal, as I understand it, in God’s eyes,” said Roberts.

Supreme Court Makes Correct Decision
Roberts said that his pro-life stance comes not only from his religious faith, but from his intellectual understanding of natural law.“How in the world could we build societies, whether in the United States or in Europe or in Asia or Africa, built resting upon the idea of natural law, natural rights, if we can’t guarantee the first right, which is to be born?” said Roberts.
He said conservatives should “not get into really vitriolic arguments with people who are pro-abortion but to accept our differences of opinion, to ignore some of the vitriol that they send our way.”
Roberts advocates for a more sincere and thorough effort to educate women on the perils of abortion and give them support, so they can make better, life-affirming decisions about their unwanted pregnancies.
“Let’s not condemn anybody. Let us love them. Let us understand that this great republic rests upon having a debate,” said Roberts, adding that it is time for conservatives to focus on the state level to bring about pro-life outcomes.
Roberts argued that Justice Samuel Alito’s written opinion on Roe v. Wade gives the reader a beautiful example of natural law and the founding history of the United States.
“This opinion—from the standpoint of reasoning, rhetoric, logic, writing style, clarity of writing—is one of the most important documents ever in the history of the American Republic,” said Roberts.
The intellectual history of the United States is transmitted in the words Justice Alito used in his opinion, Roberts said.
Alito’s opinion also provides a context for understanding the rule of law’s importance to our country, which most citizens take for granted, said Roberts.

Roberts said he sees a crisis in understanding and appreciation of the rule of law, giving examples of recent events such as the attacks on conservative Supreme Court justices, the 2021 autonomous zone in Seattle, the crisis at the southern border, and the attack on conservatives as they left the White House after a nomination event hosted by former President Donald Trump.
Besides helping people understand the importance of the country’s founding principles and natural law, Roberts, in his role at The Heritage Foundation, said he wants to help revive respect for civil discourse.
Criticism Follows Courage
Roberts said his decision making is informed by his faith, a deep love for his country, and the responsibility of teaching future generations about what makes the United States exceptional. Roberts said he knows he’s made a courageous decision when he is being criticized by the left.“Criticism follows courage, as I have found,” he said.
Roberts was criticized when he was president of Wyoming Catholic College for refusing federal funds that would have required the school to abide by the Obama administration’s rules about contraception coverage.
“Even though a lot of criticism came my way from bureaucrats or media types from The New York Times, which derisively called us ‘cowboy Catholics,’ we took that as a great encouragement that we were doing the right thing,” he said.
The funding would have come with strings attached that required the college to go against its religious beliefs and Roberts refused to do that, even though it caused financial hardship. However, he knows that God blessed that decision because it took courage and aligned with the school’s religious values.
“I think if we can get back in America to more of our policymakers having that kind of courage—which is just kind of simplistic, it’s really good, it’s an easy thing to do—then I think this country will be better off.”