The American Library Association (ALA) destroyed a webpage that taught librarians how to secretly promote pro-LGBT messaging.
Now, the link to the page leads to an error message. A search of ALA’s website doesn’t show the original page, although it does show the page’s old entry on search results.

Articles Removed
According to Dan Kleinman, the leader of the library watchdog group Safe Libraries, the ALA has a long history of actions like these.“This is an established pattern by the American Library Association of hiding things from the public,” he said. “When the public sees what they’re doing and becomes aware of it and they realize how embarrassing it looks, they take it down.”
Kleinman added that on numerous occasions, he has seen the ALA remove articles from its site.

In one instance, Kleinman publicized an ALA page that insisted that librarians can’t determine whether something is child pornography because they aren’t judges.
Then the ALA changed the page, he said. After the controversial claim was gone, the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom director Jamie LaRue mocked him for saying it was there without proof, Kleinman said.
The ALA’s dabbling in drag queen story hour started with San Francisco librarian Michelle Tea, Kleinman said. From there, it became a global phenomenon.
Far-Left Ideology on Gender
The ALA originally began promoting far-left gender ideology five decades ago under the leadership of Judith Krug, the director of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, Kleinman said.Krug shifted libraries to oppose censoring information to children, he said.
“No longer would they keep them from inappropriate material. Now, they would make sure that they got that inappropriate material. And they would leave it up to the parents to decide to stop it,” Kleinman said. “And at the same time, they would mislead parents so the parents couldn’t stop or weren’t aware that they should be.”
To oppose this spread of radical sexual material to young children, parents need to get informed and run for office on school and library boards, Kleinman said.
“So many people are just simply not aware of this issue. That’s why it goes on. That’s why these librarians get to screw people over,” he said.