12 Truths Every Successful Entrepreneur Knows

12 Truths Every Successful Entrepreneur Knows
By Nancy de la Garza
A person’s success is determined by the way he thinks and acts. These truths are indispensable in the mind of every entrepreneur who is getting the results he wants.

It is no big secret that really successful people have a different mindset and are willing to do what the rest are not. There are certain truths that can truly impact the way we view our current situation and where we are going. These are just some of them.

There are countless books on the mindset of “millionaire minds” in which there are usually similar conclusions, such as the ones you will see in these following points. I share the best thoughts of people like Harv T. Eker, author of the book: “The Millionaire Mind,” Dan Waldschimdt, disruptive business strategist, Timothy Ferris, author and investor, and Seth Godin, marketing guru, and more.

1. “Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave. Waiting for the universe and circumstances to align to finally start that project you have in mind or take yours to the next level is just one more excuse to avoid knowing if you are really good at what you most want to work on. 2. Nothing is impossible if you are willing to dedicate the necessary time and effort. This is the most important thing, we know that it is not easy and that many days we will be tempted to give up, however, there is no impossible task for a person who is truly determined to make an impact. 3. The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing. This quote by Seth Godin reminds us that it is even better to go slow than to be completely static. If you are making a mistake, it is because you are moving. 4. The person who wants it the most is the one who ends up winning. It is not necessary to be the smartest, most talented person or the one with the most money, and even though these are important points, they are not the only ones. At the end of the day, it is that person, the one who does not give up and shows passion for what he does, the one who stands out. 5. Being around negative people is the best way to lose creativity and motivation. Our environment has the power to shape our behavior, the #1 cause why people are demotivated is because of the environment that surrounds them. Find your tribe, those who really drive you and believe in you. 6. Nobody decides something for you. All your decisions are completely yours. Avoid falling into the role of victim, it is time to accept that we are fully responsible for what happens in our lives, whether it is success or failure. 7. The key to happiness is progress. Many of us could imagine that happiness comes from an endless vacation where there is nothing more on the agenda than to rest, but the truth is that this situation would make us immensely bored. Progress is the key to true human satisfaction and the best thing is that everyone can control their own. 8. What you focus on expands. This is how Harv T. Eker mentions it in his book “The Millionaire Mind”: When you are complaining you become a living magnet for misfortune. The opposite happens when you are grateful, this is proven by an article in Psychology Today; once you focus on the good, your brain reconfigures itself and is more prone to focus on seeing opportunities, not obstacles. 9. Your income can only grow as far as you do. The reality is that most people do not reach their full potential. If you are determined to constantly learn and invest in yourself, thinking of your own person as the most important business in your life, then your income will reflect it. 10. The best things in life are on the other side of fear. This is what Will Smith mentioned when talking about his experience skydiving in Dubai. He mentions that the best things in life are usually on the other side of what terrifies us the most, those are the steps that liberate us and that we have to constantly take. 11. The acts you do when no one else is looking at you are what determines your trajectory. The true changes in our lives are determined by the small actions that we carry out every day, especially those that we carry out when we are alone, at the moment in which the recognition or the obligation towards someone else is not present. 12. The opposite of happiness is not sadness, it is boredom. This is how Tim Ferris mentions it in his book: “The 4-hour working life.” Boredom is the real enemy in our professional and personal life. If what you do does not “excite” you, your productivity and creativity will be really affected.


How many of these truths do you accept and put into practice in your life? We all have the ability to progress and adapt to new and better ideas that positively impact our day. Remember, the key to happiness is progress.
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