YouTube Automatically Deletes Some Terms Critical of Chinese Regime

YouTube Automatically Deletes Some Terms Critical of Chinese Regime
Google announced that it had disabled 210 YouTube channels that were uploading videos "in a coordinated manner" about the ongoing protests in Hong Kong, on Aug. 22, 2019. Dado Ruvic/Illustration/Reuters
Petr Svab

YouTube automatically deletes comments that mention some Chinese phrases commonly used to criticize the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Chinese netizens have discovered.

Comments that contain such phrases are deleted within seconds, which suggests that it’s the work of an algorithm.

One apparently banned phrase is “gongfei” (共匪), which can be translated as “communist bandit.” It seems to date back to the Chinese civil war era.

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Another phrase that has been deleted is “wumao” (五毛), which literally means “fifty cents” and is commonly used to describe the army of internet trolls the CCP uses to spread its propaganda online. It’s rumored the trolls used to be paid around 50 cents per post.

The Epoch Times tested both phrases repeatedly under different YouTube accounts and different videos, always obtaining the same result—the comments were deleted in roughly 20 seconds.

A spokesman for Google, which owns YouTube, asked for evidence of the deletions, in response to a request for comment emailed by The Epoch Times. The Epoch Times provided extensive evidence, including links to YouTube videos where such comments were deleted, links to individual comments that have been deleted, and videos that capture the comment deletion in real-time.

A company official who asked not to be identified told The Epoch Times that Google isn’t aware of auto-removals of comments, and noted that comments and videos on YouTube are required to follow the platform’s Community Guidelines.

The disappearance of comments was noted on May 13 by Jennifer Zeng, a blogger and creator of YouTube content with a focus on China news and commentary.

She posted a video of a person demonstrating the comment deletion; others confirmed the observation. The issue has also been reported by Taiwan News.

CCP Connection

Google has repeatedly come under fire for allegedly creating a cozy relationship with the CCP.
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Since 2018, the company has been cooperating with a leading artificial intelligence (AI) research body at Tsinghua University, a prestigious Chinese academic institution that also conducts AI research for the Chinese military.

Google also faced criticism after it was revealed in 2018 that it was secretly developing a censored search app for the Chinese market, as part of a project dubbed “Dragonfly.”

According to insider information leaked to The Intercept, the Google app was designed to link users’ search history with their phone numbers, making it easier for the regime to target dissidents.

Lawmakers, human-rights advocates, and even some Google employees spoke out against the project, which, it appears, has since been shelved.

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Google ran a censored version of its search engine in China from 2006 to 2010, but exited after the company said a cyberattack originating from China had targeted Google email accounts of dozens of Chinese rights activists.

Widespread Abuse

China is one of the world’s worst abusers of human rights, according to watchdogs. In recent decades, the regime has killed hundreds of thousands of prisoners of conscience to sell their organs for transplants, based on extensive research conducted since allegations of the crime first surfaced in 2006.
In 2019, an independent tribunal in London concluded that state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience had taken place for years in China “on a significant scale,” and continues today.

The CCP runs the world’s most sophisticated system of internet censorship, employing tens of thousands of people to manually delete content and make negative or positive posts and comments based on the regime’s instructions.

The regime requires foreign companies that operate in China to censor topics it deems “sensitive,” such as democracy, human rights, and the ongoing persecution in China of Falun Gong practitioners, underground Christians, Uyghurs, rights activists, and others. Companies are also forced to share with the regime any of their data stored in China.

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Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai has previously said that the company has invested in China for years and plans to continue to do so.

The Trump administration has placed significant emphasis on pushing back against the CCP, particularly in the tech and cyber sector.

“We need to make sure that our companies don’t do deals that strengthen a competitor’s military or tighten the regime’s grip of repression in parts of that country,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in January.
Bowen Xiao, Cathy He, and Nathan Su contributed to this report.
Update: The article has been updated with a response from a Google spokesman and a comment from a Google official.
Petr Svab
Petr Svab
Petr Svab is a reporter covering New York. Previously, he covered national topics including politics, economy, education, and law enforcement.
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