Wuhan Woman Arrested for Seeking Justice for Her Daughter Who Died from the CCP Virus

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Tian Yuxi, a 24-year-old woman, went to Wuhan Union Hospital on Jan. 16. She contracted COVID-19 while in the hospital and died on Feb. 6.

Tian’s mother, Yang Min, took to the streets on May 11 to plead for her daughter’s rights. Wearing a large “injustice” sign on her back, Yang went to the municipal complaints office to file a petition. She carried her daughter’s portrait and two cardboard signs that read “The government conceals the truth about the epidemic” and “Give me back my daughter.” Four unidentified men stopped her and dragged away.

Yang told Epoch Times that she had three demands: 1. Investigate the legal responsibility and crimes against humanity committed by officials at every level who concealed the epidemic, hid the truth, and publicly apologize to the families of all of the victims. 2. Compensate me for the economic and spiritual loss in my family. 3. I reserve the right to appeal to the media networks to explain the need for the law to be enforced.

“If we had known about this virus, we would not have gone to the hospital and my child would not have left,” Yang said.

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