Wrongly Imprisoned for 7 Years, Exonerated ‘Central Park Five’ Member Wins NYC Council Primary

Wrongly Imprisoned for 7 Years, Exonerated ‘Central Park Five’ Member Wins NYC Council Primary
New York City Council candidate Yusef Salaam speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in New York on May 24, 2023. Mary Altaffer/AP Photo
The Associated Press

NEW YORK—Yusef Salaam, one of the exonerated “Central Park Five,” has won a Democratic primary for a seat on the New York City Council, all but assuring him of eventual victory. It’s an improbable feat for a political novice who was wrongly accused, convicted, and imprisoned as a teenager for the rape and beating of a jogger in Central Park.

The Associated Press refrained from calling the race on election night, but vote tallies released Wednesday showed him to be the clear winner to represent Central Harlem. Salaam is not expected to face a serious challenge in November’s general election, if any.

It is time, he said, for “a new Harlem renaissance.”

“To have a voice from a person who’s been pushed into the margins of life—someone who has actually been one of those who has been counted out—is finally having a seat at the table,” Mr. Salaam said in an interview Wednesday.

“Harlem is such a special place that it is known as the Black Mecca,” he said. What happens in Harlem “reverberates around the world.”

Mr. Salaam and the four other black and Latino teens from Harlem became known as the Central Park Five after their arrest in 1989 in the headline-grabbing rape, one of the city’s most notorious crimes. He served nearly seven years in prison before the group was exonerated through DNA evidence.

His outsider campaign prevailed over two political veterans—New York Assembly members Inez Dickens, 73, and Al Taylor, 65—in his first bid for public office. Democratic socialist Kristin Richardson Jordan, the incumbent council member, dropped out of the race in May but remained on the ballot.

Mr. Salaam declared victory on election night with his vote tally barely exceeding 50 percent, although an unknown number of absentee ballots had yet to be counted. But his lead over Dickens, his nearest competitor, seemed insurmountable, and both she and Taylor conceded. New York City is still tabulating late-arriving mail ballots that could potentially push him back above the 50 percent threshold, in which case he will have won without the benefit of ranked-choice voting tallies.

“When I think about the things that we need the most, of course on the top of everyone’s list are affordable housing, education, and safe streets,” Mr. Salaam told the AP.

Mr. Salaam’s lack of experience in public office might have actually worked in his favor, according to Amani Onyioha, a partner at Sole Strategies, which ran phone banks and engaged residents on Mr. Salaam’s behalf.

“In a time like this, when people are looking for a hero, they’re looking for somebody who can relate to them,” Ms. Onyioha said.

“I think people saw him as a survivor,” Ms. Onyioha said. “He was vindicated and the system eventually ended up working out for him.”

Mr. Salaam moved to Georgia shortly after he was released and became an activist, a motivational speaker, an author, and a poet. He returned only in December to launch his campaign.

Mr. Salaam was 15 when he was arrested along with Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Raymond Santana, and Korey Wise, who served between five and 12 years in prison before prosecutors agreed to reexamine the case. DNA evidence and a confession ultimately linked a serial rapist and murderer to the attack, but he wasn’t prosecuted because too much time had passed. Their convictions were vacated in 2002 and the city ultimately agreed in a legal settlement to pay the exonerated men a combined $41 million.