World’s Worst Attempt At Parallel Parking

Epoch Video

Do you have trouble parallel parking? Apparently, this woman in Belfast did.

A University of Ulster student, Ciaran Shannon videoed one woman’s 30-minute attempt to parallel park. The student videoed the encounter April 25, 2013 and watched her attempt to park her car in the Holyland area of Belfast. The video, posted to social media, immediately went viral and had garnered more than 3.3 million views on YouTube.

While the woman continues to try to park, a woman attempts to get in a car in front of her. The woman then leaves after the driver rams the back of her vehicle and asks he to move her car forward.

After several more failed attempts to park the car, Shannon finally goes down and helped the woman attempting to park. When he offers to park the car for her, the woman said no and he decided to help. Shannon gently guided her into the parking spot and coached her when to turn. Finally, Shannon and the woman successfully parked the car. Shannon’s friends, watching from a nearby window, screamed and applauded when the car was finally parked with laughter scattered in between.

Whatever you have to say about this woman’s resolve, she never gave up on parking her own vehicle. Hopefully she learned how to parallel park by now!
