Wildfire Evacuees in Northern Saskatchewan Head to Regina

Wildfire Evacuees in Northern Saskatchewan Head to Regina
A line of busses make their way through a road block on Highway 63 near Fort McMurray, Alberta, on May 6, 2016. (Cole Burston/AFP/Getty Images)
The Canadian Press
Hundreds of people from La Loche and the Clearwater River Dene Nation in northern Saskatchewan have been forced to leave due to the threat of a nearby wildfire.
Buses with people from La Loche left early Friday for the provincial capital, where they are to receive shelter and support at a hotel and at the University of Regina. Staff with the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency brought food, bottled water, diapers and comforters to dozens of evacuees arriving at a downtown hotel.

The fire burning in the region spans 226 hectares and crews are trying to prevent it from destroying homes.

La Loche Mayor Georgina Jolibois says no homes have burned, but some sheds that store hunting equipment have.

Jolibois, who has stayed behind in La Loche, says if the fire does not pick up today she believes the community could be in good shape.

She says the past two days have been chaotic.