Victoria State Premier Announces Lockdown Changes

Victoria State Premier Announces Lockdown Changes
Head chef Geraud Fabre (L) of French restaurant France-Soir waits for take-away orders in Melbourne on May 8, 2020. (WILLIAM WEST/ Getty Images)


* Changes take effect from midnight on May 12 and will apply until the state of emergency ends on May 31 at 11:59pm

* Up to five visitors now allowed to a home.

* Outdoor gatherings of up to 10.

* Still work from home if possible, but workplaces should develop a COVID-19 plan.

* While several public gathering rules are relaxed, records must be kept of who attends to help with contact tracing.

* Outdoor sport and exercise is allowed and the 10-person limit applies. Every activity must be conducted with people 1.5m apart.

* Professional sport can resume, giving the green light to the AFL and NRL. But permit use only for restricted facilities such as gyms and pools - no public access at indoor facilities for now.

* Weddings allowed up to 10 guests in addition to the couple and celebrant.

* Funerals allowed up to 20 mourners indoors and up to 30 outdoors, plus those required to conduct the service.

* Religious private worship of up to 10 people, plus those required to conduct the ceremony.

* Hairdressers and barbers open unless they can’t enforce person density rules.

* No specific restrictions on retail stores.

* Auction houses and real estate auctions can go ahead with up to 10 people.

* Restaurants and cafes still only open for takeaway, baseline restrictions also remain for bars and casinos.

* Community facilities can host essential public support services or support groups, with the 10-person limit applying (plus anyone needed to host the meeting or operate the facility).

* No camping yet.

* Public parks, playgrounds, outdoor gyms and skate parks are closed, unless for exercise, sport or recreation of up to 10 people.

* Caravan parks remain closed to tourists.

* School students are expected to return to their classrooms by the end of term two.

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