Victoria Hits 30 Days Without New COVID Cases

Victoria Hits 30 Days Without New COVID Cases
A tram passes Flinders Street Station on August 14, 2012 in Melbourne, Australia. Scott Barbour/Getty Images

Victoria has recorded its 30th consecutive day without a new COVID-19 case, having last week reached the benchmark for eliminating the virus.

The state recorded no new cases, no active cases and no lives lost on Saturday from just under 6000 tests.

The last COVID-19 patient in a Victorian hospital was discharged on Monday.

Health authorities say 28 days with no new infections means the virus has been eliminated from the community, given that period represents two 14-day incubation periods.

Victoria’s milestone means other states will begin welcoming travellers from the state once more.

NSW lifted restrictions for Victorian travellers on Monday, while Queensland and South Australia will reopen their borders from December 1.

Western Australia is now the only state or territory with closed borders to Victoria and no plan to reopen them.

Face coverings remain mandatory indoors in Victoria but are no longer mandatory outdoors except where social distancing cannot be maintained.

Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services, meanwhile, has detected coronavirus fragments in sewage at a treatment plant in Corio.

Those who live in or visited Geelong’s northern suburbs and Lara between November 21 and 23 should seek COVID-19 testing if they experience any respiratory symptoms.

Australian Associated Press is an Australian news agency.
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