Victoria’s Virus Cases Stay in Double Figures

Victoria’s Virus Cases Stay in Double Figures
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews holds a press conference at Treasury Theatre in Melbourne, Australia on Sept. 26, 2020. (Darrian Traynor/Getty Images)

Victoria’s COVID-19 numbers have continued their stubborn plateau, with 12 new cases.

There was also one death, taking the state toll to 811 and the national figure to 899.

It’s the sixth-straight day of cases in the double figures as Melbourne residents anxiously await confirmation about which restrictions will be eased.

Melbourne’s 14-day rolling case average has risen back to 10 and the city’s mystery cases are also up by two to 13.

The regional figures remain steady at 0.4 and none.

Premier Daniel Andrews concedes Victoria’s roadmap out of lockdown will likely be redrawn and restrictions could be eased with daily COVID-19 figures in the teens.

The city needed a daily average of five cases as well as five or fewer mystery cases to move to the “third step” of the state government’s roadmap out of restrictions next Monday.

While those targets are now unachievable, the premier said some restrictions—mostly social-related rather than economic—will still be eased.

Andrews acknowledged at some point Victorian authorities may have to “call it” and revise the target of five average cases per day.

Meanwhile, the premier is expected to face a no-confidence motion as parliament resumes.

Andrews’ right-hand man Chris Eccles quit on Monday after phone records revealed he spoke to the head of police as the state’s hotel quarantine program was hastily set up on March 27.

Despite having no memory of the call, the former Department of Premier and Cabinet secretary insists he did not convey a decision about using private security to former Victoria Police chief commissioner Graham Ashton.

The premier said he was “shocked” when he learned Eccles had made the call and agreed with his decision to resign.

Eccles is the second key public official to quit amid the inquiry into the botched program, with former health minister Jenny Mikakos resigning last month.

The flaws in the hotel quarantine system are believed to be responsible for the state’s second wave of COVID-19

The Victorian Liberals and Nationals plan to go on the offensive as parliament resumes, moving a no-confidence motion against Andrews over his handling of the pandemic.

Opposition leader Michael O'Brien has called on Labor MPs to back the motion and cross the floor.

The opposition only has one chance to move a motion of no confidence in the premier each parliamentary term and will have to wait until after the 2022 state election if it fails.

By Callum Godde and Benita Kolovos
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