The infiltration of Canada by the Chinese Communist Party was so serious that the U.S. government launched an investigation into the matter, says an intelligence professional and author of a new book on the topic.
And that was 25 years ago, with the situation reportedly getting progressively worse over time.
Scott McGregor’s new book on the matter, “The Mosaic Effect: How the Chinese Communist Party Started a Hybrid War in America’s Backyard,” is currently topping the Amazon charts in the National & International Security category.
The investigation was conducted under the aegis of the Department of Justice with the codename Dragon Lord, McGregor said on the program on March 18.
He says he became aware of it through a document revealed to him by an intelligence source.
The investigation also involved the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency, and came on the heels of the joint RCMP-Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) Project Sidewinder.The analytical project of the late 1990s sought to look into the activities and influence of Chinese criminal gangs and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents in Canada.
“What’s happening there has been progressing for 25 years,“McGregor said. ”We have complete saturation in Canada of these elements in every aspect of our business, our critical infrastructure, law enforcement, it’s in everything that we’re doing right now.”
McGregor says this level of infiltration poses a “significant threat” to the United States and is the reason why Dragon Lord was launched at the time.
He says the CCP is conducting hybrid warfare against Canada and other countries, seeking to control them without resorting to kinetic means. Hence, the conflict takes place behind the scenes and there is less public awareness.
“When we’re talking about hybrid warfare. It’s about control, controlling the narrative, and controlling industry, controlling trade agreements—all of it is about control,” he says.
“And that is my greatest fear, because I see that control getting stronger every day.”
In concrete terms, this involves the CCP leveraging in Canada its state assets, business tycoons, and the Chinese criminal triads to extend control and influence.

McGregor calls this connectivity the “unholy trinity.”
Hybrid warfare includes “sharp power,” which is political in nature, and soft power, which includes economic subversion, he explains.
And then there’s also transnational crime which includes threat finance, money laundering, and narcotics trafficking.
The former Mountie says he’s seen an interconnectivity between all these elements.
“Everywhere we looked, every piece of information we saw, the entity where they were involved, it all started to come back to the same people, the same threat streams, if you will,” he said.
McGregor added that whether it was the gambling file, real estate, or espionage, everything was connected and the people were “intertwined.”
“It didn’t matter where we looked, if you lifted the carpet up over here, there they were.”
Ground Zero
McGregor noted that Vancouver is an important hub for those interconnected activities, where the casinos have been used to launder proceeds of crime and as venues for relationship building between the different elements.McGregor speaks from professional experience through his work with the RCMP on the file, and then with the B.C. attorney general on gaming policy enforcement.
McGregor referred to Vancouver as “ground zero” in Canada and likely in all of North America for activities of the CCP’s United Front Work Department (UFWD).
The UFWD has been referred to by CCP Leader Xi Jinping as a “magic weapon” to advance China’s interests.
“It’s basically an element that is designed to do two things: intelligence and propaganda,” says McGregor.
Undermining the US
McGregor told American Thought Leaders that the fundamental objective of CCP infiltration in Canada is to undermine the United States because it’s the “true force behind the West.”This goes back to Beijing’s intent to displace the United States as the world’s leading power by 2049, he said, which will be the 100th anniversary of the CCP.
And while infiltration in Canada has reached dramatic levels, the United States has also not been spared, McGregor says, with the same entities conducting the same type of activities there.
The book “Mosaic Effect” comes at a time when Canada is embroiled in a scandal alleging CCP interference at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels of government.“Every [Canadian] prime minister has been compromised at one point or another by those [Chinese] agents of influence, and when we brought the warning, nobody listened,” he said.
Juneau-Katsuya, who left CSIS over two decades ago, did not provide further details to substantiate the claim.