Unprecedented Surge In Abortion Numbers Raises Concerns About DIY Kits And Women’s Wellbeing

A legal expert has warned that the risk of ‘illegal’ abortions is rising, while another pointed towards the concerns over placing profit ahead of women’s health
Unprecedented Surge In Abortion Numbers Raises Concerns About DIY Kits And Women’s Wellbeing
Pro-life activists from the group Abortion Resistance attend the March for Life in London on Sept. 2, 2023. (Sophia Rumpus)
Joseph Robertson

An expert has projected that abortions in England and Wales for 2023 may reach an alarming 325,000, marking a significant 32 percent increase from the already record-high of 246,438 abortions in 2022.

Quoting data from UK abortion provider Maries Stopes, the former global director for clinics at Marie Stopes, Kevin Duffy, recently highlighted what he describes as an “unprecedented increase in abortion numbers this year.”

Speaking last week, Mr. Duffy attributed much of this surge to the accessibility of “DIY” abortion kits, emphasising the ease with which they can be obtained.

He stated, “The numbers are truly staggering and indicate a concerning trend. The rise is particularly noteworthy, reaching beyond previous records and potentially leading to severe consequences for women’s health and well-being.”

Lois McLatchie-Miller, senior legal communications officer for legal advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), expressed deep concern over the escalating numbers of abortions, stating that women and their babies deserve better than the current situation.

Speaking to The Epoch Times she said, “No little girl dreams of having an abortion when she grows up. It’s rarely a desired outcome, and the increasing number of women feeling compelled to undergo this ordeal is alarming.”

Mrs. McLatchie-Miller further cited official statistics from the government on complications from abortions in England, spanning from 2017 to 2021, to underscore the potential risks.

“Official data reveals a concerning link between abortion and increased risk of anxiety, alcohol abuse, and suicidal thoughts. These are profound challenges that women face, and it’s essential that we reevaluate our approach to reproductive healthcare,” she added.

‘Pills by Post’ Has ‘Abandoned Women’

Highlighting the risks associated with the “pills by post” abortion scheme, Mrs. McLatchie-Miller emphasised, “Our ‘pills by post’ abortion scheme–while lucrative for the abortion industry–has abandoned women to perform their own abortions in their bathrooms, putting their health at risk. The loss of in-person counselling has weakened a much-needed safeguard against abuse and coercion.”

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the UK Government implemented temporary measures allowing “tele-medicine” or “at-home” medical abortions, marking the most significant change to abortion law since 1967. This decision, made without parliamentary scrutiny or public consultation, permits consultations with doctors over the phone or video, followed by the dispatch of both sets of abortion pills to be taken at home.

Parliament voted in March this year to make these temporary measures permanent.

Critics argue that the absence of in-person oversight raises serious issues, as evidenced by a nationwide undercover investigation in 2020 that revealed providers were sending abortion pills by post without conducting essential checks. The investigation found instances of pills being provided beyond legal time limits, highlighting concerns about abuse and the potential for coerced abortions.

Prominent barrister James Bogle voiced deep reservations to The Epoch Times about the “unprecedented increase in the level of abortion,” challenging the widely held belief that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.”

Mr. Bogle pointed out a perceived contradiction in advocating for high abortion rates while concurrently expressing concerns about a declining native population, saying, “325,000 abortions per year is anything but rare, will often be unsafe for the mother ... and may sometimes be illegal.”

He also highlighted the potential dangers of DIY abortion kits, even with recent legislative changes, and underscored a potential demographic impact, citing a projected population decline of 3 million people in ten years.

UK Abortion Policy a ‘Catastrophe’

Catherine Mockler, a content producer at the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), expressed strong concerns about the state of abortion policies in the UK, describing them as “catastrophic.”

Ms. Mockler emphasised the profound impact on unborn children, stating: “The UK’s catastrophic abortion policy is resulting in the death of countless unborn children. These unborn children were unique human lives with a lifetime of potential ahead of them.”

Ms. Mockler singled out the controversial DIY home abortion method, attributing it to a significant surge in abortion rates. She expressed concern about the normalisation of destroying unborn babies in the home without medical supervision or support.

Ms. Mockler believes that this surge was driven by an abortion ideology that placed convenience over the well-being of both women and unborn children. She stated, “DIY home abortion has contributed to a huge surge in abortion, normalising the destruction of unborn babies in the home with no medical supervision or support, all for the sake of abortion ideology.”

SPUC has called on legislators to reassess and amend this policy, considering the potential harm to women and the lives of unborn babies.

Ms. Mockler spoke to this, underscoring the government’s duty to protect women from the abortion industry, which, she claimed, manipulated ideas about “choice” and “autonomy” to increase abortion rates without addressing the well-being of women pressured into abortion by circumstances or partners and family members.

Ms. Mockler also pointed out the devastating impact of rising abortion figures on women and their children, saying, “The UK’s rising abortion figures make clear the devastating way in which the UK Government is failing women and their children. Abortion leads to more abortion, more tragedy, more heartbroken women, more dead babies.”

System ‘Ill-Regulated’

Peter D. Williams, the director of the Family Education Trust, echoed concerns over the shocking increase in abortion figures. He criticised the irresponsible abuse of chemical abortion kits, emphasising the potential dangers for women.

Mr. Williams pointed to recent official statistics revealing complication rates of mifepristone abortions performed at 20 weeks and over, stating, “This ill-regulated system means that these drugs can be further abused for the performance of illegal late-term abortions and potentially coerce vulnerable women into abortions against their will by abusive partners.”

Mr. Williams stressed the urgency of addressing permissive attitudes toward abortion and reinstating the requirement for in-person appointments to provide better protection for pregnant women and their unborn babies.

The Family Education Trust recently expressed major concerns about the potential effects of a plan being rolled out this month that will allow millions of women to access free over-the-counter contraceptive pills, without having to see a GP, in order to relieve pressure on the NHS.
Joseph Robertson is a UK-based journalist covering a wide range of national stories, with a particular interest in coverage of political affairs, net zero and free speech issues.
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