UK’s Lord Lebedev Insists Security Advice Linked to His Peerage Should Be Released

UK’s Lord Lebedev Insists Security Advice Linked to His Peerage Should Be Released
In this file photo dated 23 Nov. 2009, Evgeny Lebedev (left) and Boris Johnson attend a pre-lunch reception in Covent Garden, London. (Ian West/PA)

Evgeny Lebedev has insisted he has “nothing to hide” as he backed the publication of security advice linked to his appointment to the House of Lords.

The Russian-born businessman, who owns the Independent and Evening Standard newspapers, added “in the spirit of transparency” that Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer had messaged him to congratulate him on his appointment.

His remarks came as Labour tabled a House of Commons motion in a bid to force the Government to release documents about Boris Johnson’s involvement in the appointment.

They want Cabinet Office minister Steve Barclay to submit all relevant information concerning Lord Lebedev’s elevation to the upper House to be put before the Commons by no later than April 28.

Independent crossbench peer Lord Lebedev has previously acknowledged his father, oligarch Alexander Lebedev, was “a long time ago” a KGB officer but denied being “a security risk to this country”.

Questions have been raised over whether or not Mr Johnson asked anyone in the security services to revise, reconsider or withdraw their assessment of Lord Lebedev ahead of him joining the Lords in November 2020.

The Prime Minister’s former aide, Dominic Cummings, has claimed he was in the room when Mr Johnson was told by Cabinet Office officials that the “intelligence services and other parts of the deep state” had “serious reservations” about the PM’s plan to appoint the media mogul to the Lords.

Lord Lebedev wrote on Twitter: “Openness and transparency are pillars of our democratic system, so I welcome the call for security advice about me provided to Holac (House of Lords Appointments Commission) to be released.

“I have nothing to hide.”

In separate tweets, Lord Lebedev added: “And in the spirit of transparency here is a text to me from @Keir_Starmer: ‘Congratulations on your elevation to the House of Lords. All best wishes, Keir.’

“There’s a war in Europe. Britain is facing the highest cost of living since the 1950s. And you choose to debate me based on no facts and pure innuendo. What’s become of you @UKLabour #shadowofyourformerself.”

It is expected Conservative MPs will abstain if Labour presses its motion to a vote.