Two-Thirds of Canadians Favour Keeping 2-Metres Physical Distancing

Two-Thirds of Canadians Favour Keeping 2-Metres Physical Distancing
People sit in a cinema in Milan, Italy, on June 15, 2020. A new poll suggests two-thirds of Canadians don't want to relax the physical distancing rules imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19. (The Canadian Press/AP, LaPresse, Claudio Furlan)
The Canadian Press

OTTAWA—Two-thirds of Canadians don’t want to relax physical distancing rules imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19, a new poll suggests.

And even if they were relaxed, a strong majority wouldn’t be comfortable taking part in activities that would bring them closer to other people, like going to a movie theatre.

Sixty-six percent of respondents to the poll, conducted by Leger and the Association for Canadian Studies, said two metres should remain the safe distance kept between people, as recommended by Canada’s public health authorities.

Just 12 percent favoured reducing the distance to 1.5 metres, as is required in many European countries, and only 10 percent favoured a reduction to one metre, the minimum recommended by the World Health Organization.

If the physical distancing rule were reduced to one metre, just 40 percent said they’d be comfortable dining in a restaurant, 28 percent going to a movie theatre, 24 percent to a gym, and 21 percent to a bar or night club.

“We’ve been schooled on two metres for over three months now,” said Leger executive vice-president Andrew Enns.

“It’s difficult for Canadians to now suddenly start to be convinced that it’s OK to make that a closer distance.”

The online poll of 1,521 adult Canadians was conducted June 19 to 21. It cannot be assigned a margin of error because internet-based polls are not considered random samples.

Enns said the reluctance to get closer with their fellow Canadians reflects a “very persistent level of anxiety” about the deadly new coronavirus that causes COVID-19, despite a steady decline in the number of new cases in Canada.

Just 43 percent of respondents said they believe the first wave of the pandemic is over and 74 percent think there’ll be a second wave, according to the poll. And 51 percent said they are very or somewhat afraid of contracting COVID-19.

Forty-two percent said they believe the worst of the crisis is over but an equal number said we’re in the worst of it now or the worst is yet to come (10 percent and 32 percent, respectively).

Almost half (46 percent) said they find it very or somewhat stressful to leave the house and go out in public.

Sixty-two percent said it will take time before life returns to normal, while 28 percent said it will never return to normal.

All those measures of continued anxiety about COVID-19 are likely contributing to people saying “I’m not going closer than two metres because this thing’s not over,” Enns said.

By Joan Bryden