Trudeau Reshuffles Cabinet as Bains Steps Down

Trudeau Reshuffles Cabinet as Bains Steps Down
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers his opening remarks during a news conference outside Rideau cottage in Ottawa on Jan. 8, 2021. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press)
Isaac Teo
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau conducted a small reshuffle of his cabinet Tuesday morning due to the departure of Navdeep Bains, the minister of innovation, science and industry.

Francois-Philippe Champagne was sworn in as minister of innovation, science and industry to replace Bains, who stepped down Tuesday and does not intend to run in the next election. However, he will continue will continue as the MP for Mississauga-Malton until the next election.

Marc Garneau will take over as foreign affairs minister, and Toronto-area backbencher Omar Alghabra was sworn in as the new transport minister.

Jim Carr has also returned to cabinet as a minister without a portfolio and will continue to serve as special representative to the Prairies.

The shuffle was announced ahead of the start of a cabinet retreat later on Jan. 12 to plot strategy for the resumption of Parliament.
The retreat, which consists of four one-day sessions to take place over the next two weeks, is to focus on managing the pandemic, including ways to accelerate the rollout of vaccines, as well as economic recovery and government initiatives like job creation, affordable housing, and a national child-care program. 

Parliament will resume at the end of the month.