Practitioners of the Falun Dafa spiritual discipline in Taiwan held their annual experience sharing conference on Nov 18. On Nov. 17, nearly 6,000 practitioners congregated at the plaza in front of the Presidential Palace for a special event. In four hours, they used 4,704 people to reproduce the Chinese characters of “Fa Zheng Tian Di”–meaning “the law of the universe rectifies heaven and earth”–and the Law Wheel symbol, called “falun,” of the spiritual meditation practice.
The remaining participants flanked the meditators in quiet vigil. It was the first time in thirteen years that thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners had formed characters in front of the Presidential Palace; in interviews, participants described the scene as spectacular, peaceful, and solemn.
According to Zhang Qingxi, Chairman of the Taiwan Falun Dafa Association, the moral values of society are deteriorating. Falun Dafa embodies the positive principles of the universe, he said. Through cultivation of the heart and mind, everyone can do their part to make the world a better place, he said.
Zhang said that the Chinese Communist Party continues to lie to the Chinese people that no one in the world practices Falun Dafa, following the persecution they initiated against the practice in mainland China in 1999. The photos of Falun Dafa practitioners gathering around the world are being spread in China, in what Zhang expects will pop some of the regime propaganda.
In regards to how the Taiwan government can better assist Falun Gong practitioners in stopping the persecution in mainland China, Zhang Qingyi said that Taiwan’s government has always claimed to respect human rights, and President Ma also signed the Convention on Human Rights. “We hope the government will actually implement these human rights policies,” Zhang said.
One female practitioner with the surname of Lin currently studies at the National Taiwan University. She said practitioners quietly and quickly obeyed directions to sit and complete the event in the rain, “Although it was raining, I did not feel cold at all during the entire thirty minutes, and instead my body felt more warm.”