Paper could be in short supply in Australia after a court order handed down last week to protect sugar gliders could end up forcing the Maryvale Paper Mill into cutting its operations.
Staff Cuts Loom
In the face of timber shortages, Opal Australia said it was considering a number of measures.Anthony Pavey, a representative of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union, said workers at the paper mill were very worried about their future.
Supreme Court’s Order
On Nov. 4, the Victorian Court ruled that VicForests failed to apply proper measures to protect the greater gliders and yellow-bellied gliders species in its timber harvesting operations in the Gippsland area.
The Court then ordered VicForests to conduct more extensive surveys to detect gliders in logging coupes, avoid the inhabitants of the gliders, and retain at least 60 percent of the basal area of eucalypts in the harvested area in exchange for the right to carry out harvesting operations.
Excessive environmental regulation has been blamed for curtailing local industry and jobs and forcing business owners to rely more heavily on overseas imports from places like China—part of the globalisation era.
“But what happened from the late 80s onwards, we basically turned those state forests into national parks and kicked out the saw millers and farmers. And now we import timber,” he added. The outsourcing of supply chains to global manufacturers has put pressure on the local building industry in recent months following the war in Ukraine.
Newman also said there used to be fishing fleets along Australia’s eastern coastline from Victoria to northern Queensland.
“We used to basically be self-sufficient in seafood. Same deal. We had scientists say no, no, no, we’re overfishing. And we basically shut down the fisheries, brought back licences, and there are no fishing fleets like there used to be. Now we import seafood.”