Scandinavian Activist Who Wanted to Burn Quran in Wakefield Refused Entry Into UK

Scandinavian Activist Who Wanted to Burn Quran in Wakefield Refused Entry Into UK
Politician Rasmus Paludan holds up a copy of the Quran as he speaks in front of a mosque in Copenhagen, Denmark, on Jan. 27, 2023. Sergei Gapon/AFP via Getty Images
Chris Summers

The British government has banned a Scandinavian politician from entering the country after he announced plans to burn a copy of the Quran—Islam’s holy book—in the West Yorkshire city of Wakefield.

Security minister Tom Tugendhat said Rasmus Paludan would not be allowed into the UK because it would not be “conducive to the public good.”

Wakefield, a city with 11,000 Muslim residents, has seen considerable community tensions in the last month after an incident when a Quran was damaged by a schoolboy.

A year 10 student took a copy of the Quran to Kettlethorpe High School on Feb. 23 and its cover was torn and pages dirtied by a 14-year-old boy, apparently after he was dared by others.

The boy, who has not been identified, subsequently received death threats from some members of the town’s Muslim community.

His mother said he has “high functioning autism” and West Yorkshire Police said although they originally treated the Quran damage as a “hate incident” they had investigated and decided no criminal offence had been committed.

West Yorkshire Police said “words of advice” were given to one student at the school who sent “malicious communications” to the boy.

Kettlethorpe High School said it suspended four students over the incident.

The school’s head teacher Tudor Griffiths said in a statement at the time, “We would like to reassure all our community that the holy book remains fully intact and that our initial enquiries indicate there was no malicious intent by those involved.”

Paludan Added to ‘Warnings Index’

Paludan, who is Danish and the leader of the Stram Kurs (Hard Line) party, which was founded in 2017, has been added to the UK Border Force’s “warnings index” and will be turned away if he tries to enter the country.

Paludan has burned the Quran on a number of occasions, often leading to violent counter-demonstrations by outraged Muslims.

In August 2020 a riot broke out in the city of Malmo in southern Sweden after a copy of the Quran was burned.

The Aftonbladet newspaper said Paludan had been denied permission to have a meeting in Malmo and was stopped at the Swedish border.

Smoke billows from the burning tyres, pallets, and fireworks during a riot in the Rosengard neighborhood of Malmo, Sweden on Aug. 28, 2020. (TT News Agency via Reuters)
Smoke billows from the burning tyres, pallets, and fireworks during a riot in the Rosengard neighborhood of Malmo, Sweden on Aug. 28, 2020. TT News Agency via Reuters

On Sunday, Paludan posted a video on Twitter in which he said he planned to burn a copy of the Quran in a public square in Wakefield to mark the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The local Labour MP Simon Lightwood, who was elected in a by-election last year, raised concerns about Paludan’s visit in the House of Commons on Monday.

Lightwood said: “Far-right Islamophobic Danish politician Rasmus Paludan said he is going to travel from Denmark to Wakefield for the sole purpose of burning a Quran in a public place.

He added: “Mr. Paludan was previously jailed in Denmark for his hateful and racist statements. He is a dangerous man that should not be allowed into this country. Can the home secretary assure me and my community that the government is taking action to prevent this?”

Tugendhat replied, “May I inform the House that Mr. Paludan has been added to the warnings index and therefore his travel to the United Kingdom would not be conducive with the public good and he will not be allowed access.”

Yorkshire Teacher Got Death Threats Over Cartoon

In March 2021 a teacher at a grammar school in the Yorkshire town Batley went into hiding after receiving death threats after discussing the controversy over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in a lesson.
In October 2020 a French teacher, Samuel Paty, 47, was hailed as a martyr of free speech in France after he was attacked and decapitated by an 18-year-old Chechen refugee.

Paty showed his class cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed during a civics lesson to illustrate the concept of liberty.

It prompted accusations of Islamophobia from at least one parent and the controversy led to his murder.

Chris Summers
Chris Summers
Chris Summers is a UK-based journalist covering a wide range of national stories, with a particular interest in crime, policing and the law.
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