Russia Starts Closed-Door Trial for US Reporter Gershkovich on Spy Charges

Russia Starts Closed-Door Trial for US Reporter Gershkovich on Spy Charges
Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich is seen inside an enclosure for defendants before a court hearing in Yekaterinburg, Russia, on June 26, 2024. (Evgenia Novozhenina/Reuters)

YEKATERINBURG, Russia—A shaven-headed Evan Gershkovich went on trial behind closed doors in a Russian court on June 26, where the U.S. journalist is facing accusations of espionage.

Prosecutors say the Wall Street Journal reporter gathered secret information on the orders of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency about a company that manufactures tanks for Russia’s war in Ukraine. If convicted, he faces a sentence of up to 20 years.

Mr. Gershkovich, his newspaper, and the U.S. government all reject the allegations and say he was just doing his job as a reporter accredited by the Russian Foreign Ministry to work there.

“His case is not about evidence, procedural norms, or the rule of law. It is about the Kremlin using American citizens to achieve its political objectives,” the U.S. Embassy in Moscow said in a statement, calling for Mr. Gershkovich’s immediate release.

After several hours of closed proceedings, the court stated that the next session would take place on Aug. 13—an indication that the case will drag on for months. The reason for the long interval wasn’t clear.

Journalists were briefly allowed to film the 32-year-old Mr. Gershkovich before the start of the trial, from which the media are barred. Wearing an open-necked shirt and standing in a glass box, he smiled faintly and nodded at colleagues he recognized.

Prosecutor Mikael Ozdoyev later summarized the charges for reporters.

“The investigation established and documented that ... on instructions from the CIA, in September 2023, in the Sverdlovsk region, collected secret information about the activities of a defense enterprise regarding the production and repair of military equipment,” Mr. Ozdoyev said.

“Gershkovich carried out the illegal actions while observing painstaking conspiratorial measures,”

Mr. Ozdoyev later told reporters he had misspoken and that the alleged offense was actually in March 2023— the month of the reporter’s arrest.

Closed Hearing

Closed trials are standard procedure in Russia for cases of alleged treason or espionage involving classified state material, which typically can last several months.

The Kremlin says the case, and the arrangements for it, are a matter for the court, but has stated that Mr. Gershkovich was caught “red-handed.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia is open to the idea of a prisoner exchange involving Mr. Gershkovich and that contacts with the United States have taken place, but they must remain secret.

The United States has accused Russia of conducting “hostage diplomacy.” It has designated Mr. Gershkovich and another jailed American, Paul Whelan, as “wrongfully detained” and says it’s committed to bringing them home.

The U.S. Embassy statement said Russian authorities had failed to provide evidence supporting the charges against Mr. Gershkovich or to explain why his work as a journalist constituted a crime.

The trial is taking place in the city of Yekaterinburg, where officers of the FSB security service arrested Mr. Gershkovich on March 29, 2023, while he was eating in a steakhouse. Since then, he has spent nearly 16 months in Moscow’s Lefortovo prison.

The Wall Street Journal has declined to comment on the purpose of the reporting trip to Russia’s Urals region or about the specific allegation by prosecutors that Mr. Gershkovich was trying to gather information on Uralvagonzavod, a supplier of tanks for Russia’s war in Ukraine.

“He was there as an accredited journalist, doing his job,” Wall Street Journal Publisher Almar Latour told Reuters in a phone interview before the trial.

Another journalist, Russian American Alsu Kurmasheva, was arrested last year and is awaiting trial on charges of violating Russia’s “foreign agent” law and spreading false information about the armed forces, which she denies.

Earlier this month, a French researcher, Laurent Vinatier, was arrested and accused of failing to register as a foreign agent while gathering information about Russia’s military.