Fabián Calle, a member of former President Mauricio Macri’s administration, told The Epoch Times that Argentinians weren’t shocked when Milei lowered the age for legal firearms ownership. He said many people in Buenos Aires already carry guns because of high rates of violent crime.
“The people in Buenos Aires abide by the law of the strongest in the streets,” Calle said.
Soft on Crime
Some Argentinians don’t feel safe walking around Buenos Aires, a city that has witnessed a surge in poverty and homeless camps in recent years.
“You need to look over your shoulder more often now, there are so many people camping in the streets,” Buenos Aires resident Lucilla Martinez told The Epoch Times. “Even in tourist areas, they [homeless people] can be aggressive or start yelling if you don’t give them money.”
Martinez said she believes that the public’s attitude toward firearms ownership is shifting away from the notion of less guns equals less gun crime, an ideology that was promoted by the previous administration.
Much of this shift has to do with residents feeling less safe outside their homes, according to Martinez. She said she used to walk the last few blocks from the metro stop to her job in Palermo, but now takes a taxi the rest of the way.
“It just doesn’t feel safe, even in some nicer places. I have a friend who was robbed outside a restaurant, and it wasn’t even late [at night],” Martinez said.
She thinks more people will want to carry registered firearms now that there’s less of a stigma around the issue under Milei’s leadership.
“So many regular people already own guns. They don’t say anything or others are afraid to get one because, for years, we were told by politicians that more guns will mean more crime,” she said.
At the same time, Calle said a lot of judges in Argentina are “soft on criminals,” who don’t end up spending much time in jail because of loopholes in the legal system.
“We have a society that is unarmed and protected with nothing,” Calle said. “But we have criminals that are protected by judges.”
Consequently, Calle said Argentina has a growing number of criminals who are protected by judges who find ways for them to spend little to no time in jail.
Another reason Argentinians support Milei’s move on lowering the age of gun ownership is the convoluted nature of the existing law, according to Calle. He pointed out that previously, you could go to war at age 18, but couldn’t purchase a legal firearm.
“In Argentina, there are a lot of laws about age that are confusing,“ he said. ”Argentinians can vote since they are 16, and they can go to war when they are 18. So you can vote, but can’t go to war. You can go to war, but you can’t own a gun.”
Milei said the prohibition of arms doesn’t stop criminals from using them and that the “expected profits” for criminals will only increase and result in more crime.
Mateo Gonzalez, a Cordoba native and university student in Argentina’s second-largest city, agrees with this assessment. He told The Epoch Times that violent crime in his hometown has gotten worse since 2019.
“There are a lot of robberies here of businesses and homes. It got worse when inflation was over 100 percent,” Gonzalez said.
When asked how he feels about being able to purchase a legal firearm now at age 20, Gonzalez said he and his family are a lot more open to the idea of gun ownership these days.
“Criminals aren’t shy about using weapons against unarmed people. Having a gun may persuade bad people to go somewhere else,” he said.
Although he’s open to the idea of having a firearm, Gonzalez said he'll likely keep it at home to protect his family—and only if they agree.
Voluntary Disarmament
Milei’s liberal approach to civilian gun ownership in Argentina stands in sharp contrast to previous initiatives established under former President and Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.Kirchner was elected as Argentina’s first female president in 2007 after her husband, Nestor Kirchner, held the office since 2003.

Calle said ever since Milei began talking about the “free carrying” of weapons, left-wing politicians and their supporters have painted an outcome of chaos and violence in the streets.
He clarified that only authorized arms dealers or “armarias” will be allowed to sell legal firearms and that there are also background checks, personal information requirements, and other steps needed to purchase a legal gun in Argentina.
“Leftists are trying to sell that it’s going to be bad or evil, disorder and people running around with guns in the streets,” Calle said.