The two stealth fighters flew over Syrian and Iraqi airspace to reach Iran and targeted locations in the Iranian cities of Bandar Abbas, Esfahan, and Shiraz, according to the newspaper, quoting a Kuwaiti report for its information. Neither Israel or Iran have publicly commented on the report.
Israel, which is currently operating seven F-35 planes, has admitted to carrying out about 100 airstrikes in Syria over the past five years or so, mainly targeting Lebanon-based Hezbollah terrorists, weapons, and infrastructure.
The Post’s report said that the two F-35s circled in the sky over sites believed to be connected to Iran’s nuclear program. The two jets also went undetected by radar, including Russia’s radar system in Syria. A source said that it’s not clear if the Israeli operation was carried out along with the United States.
The source also said that the Israeli fighters have done a number of missions in Syria and along the border of Lebanon and Syria.

On Feb. 10, 2018, an Israeli F-16 was shot down by the Syrian regime after carrying out an air raid, wounding two pilots.
On March 20, Israel also confirmed for the first time that it bombed a Syrian nuclear reactor in 2007, ending a decade of speculation and secrecy.
Intelligence minister, Israel Katz, wrote on Twitter: “The (2007) operation and its success made clear that Israel will never allow nuclear weaponry to be in the hands of those who threaten its existence - Syria then, and Iran today.”