Rep. McCaul Calls Hamas ‘Face of Evil,’ Condemns UN Secretary-General’s Comments on Israel

Video footage viewed by Mr. McCaul allegedly shows Israeli ’toddlers being in cages like dogs.’
Rep. McCaul Calls Hamas ‘Face of Evil,’ Condemns UN Secretary-General’s Comments on Israel
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas.) speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington on Oct. 3, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)
Katabella Roberts

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) has branded the Palestinian group Hamas the “face of evil” while criticizing United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres who this week condemned Israel’s response to the surprise attack on the nation.

Mr. McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, made the comments to The Epoch Times during the Republican conference on Oct. 9 where lawmakers had gathered in an effort to elect a new House Speaker following Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) ousting last week.

The GOP lawmaker said he has reviewed “disturbing” video footage from Israel at the hands of Hamas—the group that controls Gaza and has been designated as a terrorist organization by the State Department.

Video footage viewed by Mr. McCaul allegedly shows Israeli “toddlers being in cages like dogs,” the Republican said, adding that the death toll among Israelis and Palestinians following the weekend attack has surpassed an estimated 1,000.

Mr. McCaul said he expects the death toll among American citizens in Israel will also rise and stressed the United States is working hard to get American citizens out of the country.

“Obviously there was a warning for all citizens not to go into Israel right now. It’s very, very dangerous. The death count is growing. I’ve seen some very disturbing video footage particularly ... toddlers being in cages like dogs. I mean, it is what Hamas is doing. It is really the face of evil what they have done, killing innocent civilians in violation ... of war crimes,” the Congressman said.

Mr. McCaul also criticized the UN Secretary-General for “speaking out against Israel” on Monday after Mr. Guterres shared his “distress” at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordering a complete siege of the Gaza Strip following the Hamas attack.

Conditions in Gaza Will ‘Deteriorate Exponentially’

The siege will see authorities cut off electricity and block the entry of food and fuel to Gaza, which is home to a population of around 2.3 million, many of whom are already living in dire conditions due to an ongoing blockade by both the Israeli and Egyptian authorities.

Mr. Guterres on Monday said the situation in Gaza was “extremely dire” before the surprise assault by Hamas and will “only deteriorate exponentially” following the siege.

The UN head stressed that medical equipment, food, fuel, and other humanitarian supplies are desperately needed in the Gaza Strip along with access for humanitarian personnel.

“Relief and entry of essential supplies into Gaza must be facilitated—and the UN will continue efforts to provide aid to respond to these needs,” the UN Secretary-General said. “I urge all sides and the relevant parties to allow United Nations access to deliver urgent humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians trapped and helpless in the Gaza Strip.”

Mr. McCaul, however, said it was “very discouraging” to see the secretary-general “speak out against Israel at this early stage” during his remarks on Monday.

“What’s disconcerting is I’m already seeing the UN General Secretary, basically calling out Israel for being too aggressive. Let’s not forget who the victims are,” he said.

Congress in ‘Dangerous’ Position Without House Speaker

Hamas launched its surprise attack on Israel on Oct. 7 as residents celebrated the Jewish Sabbath. The group stormed into Israeli towns, killing over 700 Israelis and kidnapping dozens more during an hours-long rampage.

Since then, an estimated 800 Israelis and some 500 Palestinians have been killed amid the heavy fighting, which appears to be escalating daily.

Elsewhere on Monday, Mr. McCaul said he was told during a National Security Council briefing in the White House that Israel needs to replenish its Iron Dome anti-missile system, and needs “precision-guided missiles,” and 155mm artillery shells.

The lawmaker said he also had “a very good discussion” with President Joe Biden and is hopeful the United States will be able to fulfill Israel’s weapons needs swiftly.

Israel is currently working to eliminate commanders among Hamas militants and will then start “going house to house to put down the terrorists and rescue hostages,” Mr. McCaul said.

However, the Texas Republican stressed the dangerous rescue operations could take “weeks if not months.”

Mr. McCaul’s comments came as Republicans remained divided over their choice for a new speaker nominee during Monday’s conference.

The lawmaker told The Epoch Times Monday that it is “dangerous” for Congress not to have a House speaker during the unprecedented Israel–Hamas conflict, which leaves the United States severely limited in its ability to quickly respond to the crisis. Mr. McCaul said the leadership issue must be resolved as soon as possible before the situation escalates further.

Republicans are set to vote on Mr. McCarthy’s successor on Wednesday.

Ryusuke Abe and Reuters contributed to this article.
Katabella Roberts is a news writer for The Epoch Times, focusing primarily on the United States, world, and business news.
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