Radical Preacher Anjem Choudary’s Public Speaking Ban Lifted

Radical Preacher Anjem Choudary’s Public Speaking Ban Lifted
Anjem Choudary stands outside a bail hostel in north London after his release from Belmarsh Prison on Oct. 19, 2018. (David Mirzoeff/PA)

A ban on radical preacher Anjem Choudary speaking in public is being lifted as licence conditions that were imposed after his release from prison come to an end.

The extremist was jailed five years ago after being convicted of inviting support for the ISIS terror group, and he left Belmarsh high-security jail on licence in 2018.

Choudary, from Ilford in east London, was freed automatically half-way through a five-and-a-half year sentence.

A string of more than 20 strict licence conditions that Choudary has been subject to since his release will expire on Sunday, the PA news agency understands.

As well as being prohibited from speaking in public, his Internet and mobile phone use was restricted and he was banned from being in contact with people who may be suspected of extremist-related offences without prior approval.

He had to wear an electronic tag and abide by a night-time curfew, only attend pre-approved mosques and stay within a set area, as well as adhere to other standard requirements, like having regular meetings with probation officers.

Police and MI5 were thought to be among a host of bodies involved in monitoring him under the system known as multi-agency public protection arrangements.

Separate measures saw his name added to a U.N. sanctions list, which meant he was banned from travelling and had assets frozen.

Once a leading figure in the now-banned group al-Muhajiroun (ALM), the former solicitor had previously stayed on the right side of the law for years—despite being seen as a radicalising influence.

From the 1990s, the father-of-five was a prominent figure in ALM, which also operated under a number of other names.

Over 20 years he voiced controversial views on Sharia law while building up a following of thousands through social media, demonstrations, and lectures around the world.

While there has been no suggestion Choudary organised any attacks, others previously linked to ALM include Michael Adebolajo, one of the murderers of Fusilier Lee Rigby, and Khuram Butt, the ringleader of the London Bridge terror attack.

During his teenage years the Fishmongers’ Hall attacker Usman Khan also took an interest in Choudary’s views.

Muslim convert Lewis Ludlow, who plotted a terror attack on Oxford Street, attended a demonstration led by Choudary and the ALM group.

But former head of counter-terror policing Mark Rowley previously said Choudary was not “some sort of evil genius,” dismissing him as a “pathetic groomer” during an interview with BBC Radio 4’s “Today” programme.

“I think we have to be careful not to overstate his significance,” he added.

Whether counter-terror police and MI5 will continue to track Choudary or consider him a person of interest has not been confirmed. But ALM is expected to remain of considerable interest.

Other measures available to security services and police which could be considered in such instances are Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (Tpim). They are seen as the strictest monitoring tool available to use against people suspected to be involved in terrorism or who present a threat, but cannot be prosecuted or deported.

A Tpim notice—that can be in place for up to two years—can involve conditions like an enforced curfew, tagging, having to stay away from certain locations, and restrictions on overseas travel.

By Flora Thompson