Quebec Police Searching for 4-Year-Old Girl Who Fell Into River

Quebec Police Searching for 4-Year-Old Girl Who Fell Into River
Quebec provincial police headquarters is seen in Montreal on April 17, 2019. (The Canadian Press/Ryan Remiorz)
The Canadian Press
Quebec provincial police are searching for a four-year-old girl who fell into a river in a region north of Quebec City on Dec.22 afternoon.
Police Sergeant Hugues Beaulieu says the child was sledding with her mother near the bank of the Mistassibi River in Dolbeau-Mistassini, Que. at around 2:30 p.m. when she passed through a safety barrier and fell into the water.
Sergeant Beaulieu says police searched the area all night and are continuing their efforts this morning.
Police divers and a helicopter are assisting in the search.

Sergeant Beaulieu says the geography of the area poses a challenge and the river is difficult to access.

Police had to use a crane to lift the divers’ boat into the river.