Pumping Continues at Leaking Australian Dam

Pumping Continues at Leaking Australian Dam
Ross River Dam at over 230 percent capacity in Far North Queensland, Australia. Neilly Group Engineering/Storyful

Engineers have continued pumping water from a leaking Victorian dam throughout the night, with fears it could burst and inundate homes.

More than 100 people spent a second night away from their homes after leaks were identified at the 180-megalitre private dam in Torquay, near Geelong.

Volunteers and support agencies knocked on doors at over 40 homes around 1.30 a.m. on Saturday, telling 109 people to leave. A few residents refused to do so.

Victoria Police provided evacuation assistance—and will remain in the affected area to safeguard residents and their properties.

Affected residents were later told in a community meeting that six pumps were being used to reduce the water in the dam to ground level—about 60 megalitres worth.

Engineers do not know the cause of the dam’s leaks and are investigating backyards and the surrounding area in a bid to discover why.

Pumping out the water will take pressure off the dam.

Residents are likely to be allowed to return home on Sunday afternoon once the dam’s water level is lower.

An update from Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) said that there have been reports of loss of power.

“VICSES is urging residents in the vicinity to remain alert, and if any floodwater does occur to safely move away from the area,” VICSES statement wrote.

“Environmental consideration has been given to the dam waters, and testing of the waters has taken place.

“Environmental officers are testing the site to determine any potential downstream environmental effects.”

VICSES will update residents throughout the morning.

The Epoch Times contributed to this article.