Police Closing In on ‘New Prime Suspect’ in Madeleine McCann Case

Police Closing In on ‘New Prime Suspect’ in Madeleine McCann Case
Parents of missing girl Madeleine McCann, Kate (L) and Gerry McCann (R) pose with an artist's impression of how their daughter might look now at the age of nine ahead of a press conference in central London on May 2, 2012. (LEON NEAL/AFP/GettyImages)

Following talks with the British authorities regarding a new prime suspect, police in Portugal claim they are closer than ever to solving ­the case of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance.

The claim comes following an alleged tip about a “foreign” man who was said to be in the Algarve region when Madeleine disappeared on May 3, 2007, while she was vacationing with her family at Algarve’s Praia da Luz, reported The Mirror.
A woman holds a picture of missing British girl Madeleine McCann next to another of a missing Argentine child, during a demo by Missing Children Argentina and Red Solidaria organizations near the British embassy in Buenos Aires 11 June, 2007. (JUAN MABROMATA/AFP/Getty Images)
A woman holds a picture of missing British girl Madeleine McCann next to another of a missing Argentine child, during a demo by Missing Children Argentina and Red Solidaria organizations near the British embassy in Buenos Aires 11 June, 2007. (JUAN MABROMATA/AFP/Getty Images)
It is believed that Madeline, who was only three years of age at the time, was taken from her bed while her parents were out to dinner with friends close by.

Only Police Know

Portuguese newspaper Correio da Manha reported that authorities are looking into information on a “new clue and suspect” and “admit to being nearer to knowing what happened to Madeleine.”

Policia Judiciaria officers are said to have met face to face with Scotland Yard detectives in Porto regarding the investigation, according to the report.

One source close to the investigation said, “The British were here recently. There were talks at the PJ office in the city. It’s all very secret, but then it always is with the Madeleine case. Only the police know who the suspect is.”

It remains unclear whether the suspect’s whereabouts is known or not.

EXPRESS reported that Scotland Yard’s only comment regarding the recent development was to say, “The investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann remains ongoing. We are not providing a running commentary.”
According to The Sun, although Madeleine’s parents are “very grateful” that authorities remain “focused and committed,” they aren’t “getting their hopes up.”
Kate McCann (L) and her husband Gerry McCann (C), parents of missing British girl Madeleine McCann, arrive to the court house in Lisbon on June 16, 2014. (PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA/AFP/Getty Images)
Kate McCann (L) and her husband Gerry McCann (C), parents of missing British girl Madeleine McCann, arrive to the court house in Lisbon on June 16, 2014. (PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA/AFP/Getty Images)

A source close to the McCann family told reporters, “They have had their hopes raised then dashed many times in the past so they are not getting buoyed up by any fresh developments. It’s too devastating when nothing comes of it.

“The Met Police are keeping them informed every step of the way and when there’s something significant happening, they’ll be the first to know,” the source said.

“But they can’t discuss in public what may or may not be going on while the investigation is still underway. Officers have told them not to say anything.”

The source also mentioned, “Over the years there have been numerous reported sightings of Madeleine in different countries and alleged significant developments in the police inquiry. But Kate and Gerry can’t get their hopes up every time, they’ve been here before. They keep level headed while the police get on with the task in hand.”

Operation Grange

In 2011, three years after Portuguese authorities ended their investigation into Madeleine’s disappearance, British police launched their own inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the young girl’s disappearance.

The initiative, functioning under the name of Operation Grange, has to date reportedly cost a total of approximately £11.75 million or roughly US$15 million.

Despite the fact that 12 years of searching has yet to produce any solid information regarding the whereabouts or wellbeing of Madeline, the McCann family don’t appear to be giving up.

On the Official Find Madeline Facebook page, a post from the McCann family dated June 9 read, “Thank you for not giving-up on Madeleine.”

On May 11, a post celebrating Madeline’s birthday read, “Happy 16th Birthday, Madeleine! We love you and we’re waiting for you and we’re never going to give up.”

In 2019, Netflix released a documentary about the case called “The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann.”
More information regarding the Madeline McCann case can be found on the www.findmadeleine.com website.