Ontario’s Expands Eligibility for Emergency Child Care Program in Remote Learning Regions

Ontario’s Expands Eligibility for Emergency Child Care Program in Remote Learning Regions
Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce speaks during press availability alongside Premier Doug Ford at a school in Brampton, Ont., on July 23, 2020. (Chris Young/The Canadian Press)
Isaac Teo
Ontario says it is expanding the list of eligible workers under its emergency child care program in regions where students continue to engage in remote learning mandated by the government in their effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. 
The new list will allow additional workers and their families to have access to free child care services so that their children can be taken care of while they can continue to “perform critical roles in their communities,” according to the provincial government’s update on Monday.   
The new additions will include: workers in the fuel distribution and oil refineries, education staff who are required to report to work in person while their children continue with remote learning, grocery store and pharmacy workers, truck drivers, farmers and individuals who support food or agricultural product supply chains, workers involved in the waste management, and those working in the manufacturing and distribution of disinfectants and sanitizers.
The new list is built on an existing list which was announced on Jan. 9 by the province’s education ministry. The benefit will come into effect on Jan. 27, 2021. 
For eligibility, the province advises residents to contact their municipality or municipal service system manager