NZ Parents Who Refused Blood From COVID-19 Vaccinated People for Baby’s Heart Surgery Face Custody Battle

NZ Parents Who Refused Blood From COVID-19 Vaccinated People for Baby’s Heart Surgery Face Custody Battle
A health care worker prepares a dose of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in a file image. (Ezra Acayan/Getty Images)

New Zealand’s health service is seeking to obtain temporary guardianship of a baby after the boy’s parents refused to allow blood from vaccinated people to be used in his heart surgery.

In an interview uploaded on Monday by Kiwi broadcaster Liz Gunn, the parents said their four-month-old son was diagnosed with severe pulmonary valve stenosis and needs open-heart surgery to allow blood to flow properly around his body.

Pulmonary valve stenosis occurs when the pulmonary valve is too narrow, which causes the right ventricle to pump harder to send blood out to the lungs. In the long term, this can lead to the thickening of the right ventricle and strain the heart.

The father reportedly said they were “extremely concerned” with the blood used by the doctors and added that they “don’t want blood that is tainted by vaccination.”

“That’s the end of the deal—we are fine with anything else these doctors want to do,” he said in the interview.

More than 20 unvaccinated donors were willing to help, but this had not been approved by the New Zealand Blood Service, the parents said in the video.

They had discussed the issue with a doctor and a surgeon, both of whom disregarded their concerns.

According to the New Zealand Blood Service’s website, blood from vaccinated and unvaccinated donors wasn’t held separately, although anyone who meets the donor eligibility criteria can donate regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status.

The Court Case

Health New Zealand filed applications in the Auckland high court on Monday under the Care of Children Act. It asked to take guardianship of the baby from the parents so consent could be given to use donated blood from the vaccinated, according to the NZ Herald.

Health New Zealand’s Auckland interim district director Dr Mike Shepherd said in a statement that the decision “is always made with the best interests of the child in mind and following extensive conversations with whānau,” the Maori word for extended family.

The matter was brought to the High Court in Auckland on Wednesday, where Justice Layne Harvey set a hearing date of Dec. 6.

But the family’s lawyer Sue Grey told the court that “where there’s a solution, that would be really a shame that that solution be missed.”

“The ideal outcome would be that the blood bank would agree to collect blood from these donors and put it aside ready for this baby to have the operation that he needs,” she told Newshub.
Meanwhile, the mother told Newshub that having safe blood was “our right as a mother and as my voice for my baby.”

Does Blood From Those Getting COVID-19 Jab Contain Risks?

The New Zealand Blood Service asserted on its website, “there is no evidence that previous vaccination affects the quality of blood for transfusion.”

“Any COVID-19 vaccine in the blood is broken down soon after the injection. All donated blood also gets filtered during processing, so any trace amounts that may still be present poses no risk to recipients.”

The NZ Blood Service also denied there were any risks associated with the spike protein in the blood transfusion, saying the spike protein is present in “vanishingly small quantities in the blood in some people for the first two weeks after their mRNA vaccine.”

“The chance of finding spike protein in donated blood is very small, and it will be in the picogram range if it is there at all. It is not found in the blood after this time period has passed.”

Contradictory Findings From Researchers

However, the German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis (GWG), an international network of more than 60 scientists, has concluded this may not be the case.
In a report released earlier this year which was presented before the World Council for Health General Assembly (WCHGA) on Sept. 5, GWG analysed the blood of vaccinated individuals and compared it to blood samples from unvaccinated individuals.

They found that the blood from all the vaccinated patients they tested (specifically those having had either the BioNTech/Pfizer or the Moderna vaccines) presented “novel structures,” such as rectangular crystals and spirals.

“These kinds of structures have never been found in human blood before,” the report said.

It also noted the structures were most frequently found in the Comirnaty vaccine from BioNTech/Pfizer.

According to the findings, vaccinated people have 100 percent consistently altered blood, as seen with live cell dark field microscopy. This includes impeded blood flow with red blood cells sticking to each other, even to the extreme of “rouleaux formation,” and profoundly decreased red blood cell stability and survival.

Another feature of vaccinated blood samples was the degradation of the blood itself, as well as reduced blood flow capacity because of blood cells sticking to one another.

In addition to comparing the blood of vaccinated and unvaccinated people, GWG researchers examined various vaccine vials. They found relatively large metallic foreign bodies existing in the blood of vaccinated people.

“If you filter a substance that is to be injected properly, you shouldn’t see anything under the microscope,” said microbiologist and GWG expert Sabine Stebel in her presentation before the WCHGA. “These structures are definitely too big to be injected into a living person.”

Meanwhile, Auckland University’s Immunisation Advisory Centre medical director Prof. Nikki Turner told Newstalk ZB that almost all blood in New Zealand will have COVID-19 antibodies in them, so “unless you’re going to refuse all blood, I can’t imagine how you’ll get round this.”

Conan Milner contributed to this report.
Nina Nguyen is a reporter based in Sydney. She covers Australian news with a focus on social, cultural, and identity issues. She is fluent in Vietnamese. Contact her at [email protected].
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