NSW Premier Announces $250M Jobs Program

NSW Premier Announces $250M Jobs Program
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Sydney, Australia, May 11, 2020. (Mark Kolbe/Getty Images)

The NSW government plans to entice domestic and international business to the state through payroll tax relief as part of a new $250 million jobs program.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian says jobs growth is her number one priority in the next 12 months.

“We absolutely have to get jobs growth right,” Berejiklian told the Committee for Economic Development of Australia during her ‘State of the State’ address on November 5.

“I don’t want hundreds of thousands of families worried about whether or not they have a job beyond March next year.

“It has to be our priority - job security, job creation, jobs growth is at the heart of our consideration at this point in time.”

Berejikilian said the Jobs Plus program, part of the 2020-21 state budget to be delivered on November 17, would create or support up to 25,000 new jobs to June 2022.

The NSW premier said it would back companies that wanted to relocate their head offices to NSW or expand their jobs footprint in the state.

“Jobs Plus will entice top-performing companies from interstate and across the globe to NSW, and cements this state as the best place to do business in Australia,” Berejiklian said in a statement.

Under the program, the NSW government will support businesses that create at least 30 new net jobs.

Support will include payroll tax relief, up to a four-year period, for every new job created where a business has created at least 30 new net jobs.

It will also include fast-tracked planning approval pathways and advice, plus guidance on appropriate site selection to increase speed to market, Berejiklian said.

NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said the program would reduce costs for businesses looking to scale and grow in the state.

“This is a clear signal to the private sector that NSW is the best place to invest and grow your business,” Perrottet said.

“We are backing private and non-government sectors seeking to invest in job-creating projects, proposals and partnerships by supporting them throughout the critical stages of business development.”

The Jobs Plus program will run from December 15 to June 30, 2022.

Gus McCubbing in Sydney
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