New Caravan of Central American Migrants Crosses Into Mexico


TAPACHULA, Mexico—Hundreds of mostly Honduran migrants entered southern Mexico on Jan. 18, joining around 1,000 other people from Central America who crossed a day earlier and putting to the test Mexico’s vows to guarantee the safe and orderly flow of people.

The cohort crossed into Chiapas state before dawn without needing the wrist bands that officials on Thursday gave migrants to wear until they could register with authorities, several migrants and an official told Reuters.

People belonging to a caravan of migrants from Honduras en route to the United States, walk at the border crossing to Mexico in Hidalgo, Mexico, on Jan. 18, 2019. (Jose Cabezas/Reuters)
People belonging to a caravan of migrants from Honduras en route to the United States, walk at the border crossing to Mexico in Hidalgo, Mexico, on Jan. 18, 2019. (Jose Cabezas/Reuters)

“The road today was open,” said Marco Antonio Cortez, 37, a baker from Honduras traveling with his wife and children, ages 2 and 9. “They didn’t give us bracelets or anything, they just let us pass through Mexico migration.”

A migration official at the entry point, who asked not to be named because she was not authorized to speak to media, said that at least 1,000 people crossed from Guatemala into Mexico by around 5 a.m., without needing wrist bands.

Migration officials did not reply to requests for comment on why the wrist bands were not required on Friday.

The migrant group proceeded on foot alongside cars on a highway, accompanied by federal police officers, arriving at a shelter in the city of Tapachula around midday.

Immigrants pass by a highway sign that reads in Spanish: "Mexico Border", as they take a lift in the back of a truck during their journey towards the United States, in Pajapita, Guatemala, on Jan. 17, 2019. (Alexandre Meneghini/Reuters)
Immigrants pass by a highway sign that reads in Spanish: "Mexico Border", as they take a lift in the back of a truck during their journey towards the United States, in Pajapita, Guatemala, on Jan. 17, 2019. (Alexandre Meneghini/Reuters)

Sitting by the side of the road rubbing cream onto his children’s feet, 40-year-old Honduran migrant Santos Pineda said he and his family entered Mexico easily, and without having to provide documents or wear any wrist bands. The family’s plan was to press on to the United States, he said.

Mexico’s migration institute said in a statement the migrants can stay in temporary shelters in Mexico until they receive humanitarian visas allowing them to remain in the country, or they wait in Guatemala for their document to be ready.

Groups of migrants left El Salvador and Honduras earlier in the week, the latest in a string of caravans of people.

The caravans have inflamed the debate over U.S. immigration policy. President Donald Trump is trying to secure backing for his plan to build a wall covering the country’s southern border with Mexico.