The letter is supported by two leading scientists critical of what they say is the withholding or obscuring of vital data which would reveal whether or not the jabs are “safe and effective,” as the government and the pharmaceutical companies consistently claim.
While the ONS has put together a number of time-series cohort analyses looking at vaccinated and unvaccinated people over time, the letter claims this is not comprehensive enough to establish whether there is a link—and points out that the statistics regulator agrees with them.
Statistics Regulator Says ONS Data Fails To Assess Safety
The UK Statistics Regulator found that, in its view, the Deaths by Vaccination Status produced by the ONS, “does not provide information on vaccine effectiveness or vaccine safety and should not be used in this way.”The MPs say they need more detailed data in order to address the question of excess deaths—which are particularly high in younger age groups—which has been the subject of recent debate in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
The request has been validated by Professor Carl Heneghan, head of evidence-based medicine at Oxford University, and Professor Norman Fenton, a mathematician specialising in statistics at Queen Mary University, London.
The ONS has previously declined to compile the detailed data sets on the dates people received the jabs and the dates of subsequent deaths, citing concerns about data protection, but the MPs point out that the parameters they request have been produced in New Zealand.

“The results (in New Zealand) were made public and no person has claimed it revealed any personal information because it simply aggregates statistics. We truncated the records requested at 100 years in order to preserve privacy.
“Your staff was asked to produce such a detailed report, and they declined to do so. This is why we are bringing the matter to your attention.”
‘No Credible Way To Refuse Request’
On his blog, Mr. Kirsch, who has repeatedly called for such data sets to be released, said, “I have been waiting three years for this to happen and it finally did!“If the ONS refuses the request, then the MPs will be able to shift the blame for this crisis squarely on the ONS. And all MPs will then pile on later, I predict, since nobody wants not to have a chair when the music stops.”
Mr. Kirsch, who was a vaccine sceptic for many years before the COVID-19 jabs were rolled out, said, “If the ONS complies with the request, then we will have the evidence needed to go after other agencies. It will end the debate as to whether the shots were safe, and begin the debate on who is to blame and how to hold them accountable.”
He added that, in his opinion, there is “no credible way” the ONS can withhold the requested data and maintain the appearance of being impartial.
“If the UK ONS wants to tacitly admit to the UK public that they are working for big pharma, refusing the request is a good way to accomplish that,” he said.
The MPs have demanded a time-series cohort analysis of the UK data for 152 weeks—almost three years—starting in January 2021, when the vaccination programme began.
They called for all deaths to be included in the data, noting that the proportion of total deaths included in the 2023 data released by the ONS was “significantly lower than in the releases for 2021 and 2022, despite the delay in the release meaning that there were many months for registrations to have caught up.”
They say the extra data they request, “requires little effort: just changing the parameters in the code (the ONS team) has already written and re-running the report. It does not expose anyone’s private health information.”
Mr. Bridgen, the MP for North West Leicestershire, has repeatedly raised concerns in Parliament about the vaccine-related deaths and injuries, which he believes are a major driver of the excess death rate—that is, the number of deaths above the expected baseline.
During a recent House of Commons debate on cardiovascular deaths, Mr. Bridgen again raised his concerns over the vaccines after the Conservative MP, Dean Russell spoke about his recovery from a heart attack last summer at the age of 47.
Mr.Bridgen claimed in the debate that “a mountain of peer-reviewed evidence is emerging” of a link between the vaccines and the surging excess deaths.
“Numerous cardiologists have concerns, but unfortunately, many experts do not feel able to speak out openly about their concerns because of the climate of fear, and the consequences of whistleblowing or speaking out against big pharma, which has so often been found to be not operating in the public interest, and causing harm.”
Separate Letter to Health Secretary and Health Committee
In a separate letter from late February, a larger group of MPs wrote to Health Secretary Victoria Atkins calling for more transparency for vaccine dosage and death data.Written in conjunction with the children’s rights campaign group Us For Them, the letter was also addressed to Steven Riley, head of data at the UK Health and Securities Agency (UKHSA), and Dr. Alison Cave, head of patient safety at the Medicines and Health Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
The letter urged “the release of pertinent data” and claimed the public was rapidly losing confidence in public health policies, as evidenced by the continued fall in the uptake of all recommended childhood vaccinations.
“The level of public concern and interest in this topic will not abate, and by resisting the release of pertinent data, and by appearing to discourage a transparent and objective professional assessment of the potential causes of our excess deaths problem, the Government and its agencies will only further sow distrust.
“This matters to us all, because our public health system will fast become impotent if it does not retain the trust and confidence of the public it serves.”
It says that, “if only to put undesirable speculation to rest,” it is essential that the official record-level data is made available so that, “concerns about the causes of excess deaths, including persisting questions about a causal link between mRNA technology and cardiovascular problems ... can be exposed to daylight and the process of scientific discovery that our expert professional communities can provide.”
The letter was signed by a cross-party group of 15 parliamentarians, including one Labour MP, Graham Stringer, and asks direct questions of Dr. Cave as to whether the MHRA is confident there is no link between the possibility of “unexpected mRNA protein production” from the vaccines and the “notable increase” in excess deaths.