Mother Dog and 9 Puppies Found in Sealed Box in Garbage Dump

Mother Dog and 9 Puppies Found in Sealed Box in Garbage Dump
A border collie/husky mix named Casey, along with her nine puppies, was found in a sealed box at a landfill in British Columbia, Canada, on June 5, 2019. (BC SPCA)
Tom Ozimek

A mother dog and her nine puppies were found abandoned inside a sealed box at a British Columbia garbage dump.

The B.C. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) said in a statement that a Good Samaritan found the dog at the Puntzi Lake Landfill on June 5 and brought it to the animal shelter.

“There is no excuse for simply walking away from a pet and leaving them to die,” said Lorie Chortyk, the SPCA’s general manager of communications. “Abandoning animals is against the law and individuals can be prosecuted for their crime.”

“Unfortunately, it would have been so easy for those animals to suffocate and die if someone hadn’t happened upon them,” Chortyk told the CBC.

The SPCA is asking the public to help find the owner who abandoned the animals.

“So, at this point, we are just looking for information, but certainly if we identify the person who had done this,” Chortyk told the CBC, “we would be looking at animal cruelty charges.”

Staff at the shelter have named the dog Casey. She is about a year old and is believed to be a border collie/husky mix. Her five male and four female puppies are about one week old.

“Casey is a bit thin and focusing on caring for her babies,” the SPCA said, adding that “she’s a timid but sweet dog.”

The canine family will be looked after for around seven more weeks until the puppies are old enough to leave their mother’s care.

At eight weeks old, the puppies will be available for adoption.

“The Quesnel & District SPCA is asking for donations of puppy pads, teething toys, sheets and small collars to help care for this little family,” the organization said in the statement.

Abandoned Dogs Found Without Food and Water in Foreclosed Home

In related news, two dogs found caged without food and water inside a foreclosed New Jersey home have made a remarkable recovery after being rescued to a local animal shelter.

A man hired to clean the property found the two dogs—named Fred and Wilma—locked in a crate, according to Jennifer Vuocolo, assistant executive director of the Associated Humane Societies.

“The first thought that comes to mind when you see pictures like this is, ‘How could they?’” the Associated Humane Societies Newark (AHS-N) asked in a Facebook post. “How in the world could someone do such a thing to innocent, defenseless animals?”

Fred and Wilma, the two rescued Shih Tzus. (Associated Humane Societies)
Fred and Wilma, the two rescued Shih Tzus. (Associated Humane Societies)

When the two Shih Tzus were found, they bore signs of neglect, Vuocolo told The Epoch Times.

“The man brought them to AHS, they were covered in urine and feces; one of the worst cases our groomer has ever seen.”

She said the dogs are estimated to be about 7 years old.

“They were so matted that they were barely recognizable as dogs,” shelter officials noted.

The dogs were said to have been left behind by their owners, who abandoned them as they vacated the foreclosed home.

“They were likely obtained as puppies and doted upon when they were tiny, cute little pups. Hopefully, they enjoyed good treatment and experienced love from the family that owned them. But good treatment and love was far from what they were given when their family lost their home, and upon leaving the house, they locked Fred and Wilma in a crate and left them behind,” AHS-N wrote.

After the dogs were brought to the shelter, they were cleaned up and given a medical exam.

“Both have some medical issues that are being tended to and our hope is that once they are feeling better, they will find a home with a family that will love them, spoil them, protect them, and never, ever, leave them behind again,” shelter officials said.

“Fred and Wilma are incredibly sweet, loving, and ready to put their past behind them. They are bonded and we want to find them a home together,” Vuocolo told The Epoch Times.

She said the shelter is requesting donations on behalf of the two dogs and other animals in need of care.

“This makes it possible for us to continue to rescue and care for cases of extreme cruelty and neglect just like these two darling Shih Tzu dogs,” she said.

Tom Ozimek is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times. He has a broad background in journalism, deposit insurance, marketing and communications, and adult education.
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