Morrison Condemns ‘Ugly’ Comments From Australian Senator After Christchurch Massacre

Morrison Condemns ‘Ugly’ Comments From Australian Senator After Christchurch Massacre
Prime Minister Scott Morrison speaks during a press conference on Nov. 22, 2018 in Sydney, Australia. (Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)

Australian politicians have condemned the “hate speech” of Queensland senator Fraser Anning about the New Zealand mosque shootings.

Scott Morrison has condemned comments from Senator Fraser Anning blaming the Islamic community for the New Zealand mosque shooting, saying they are “appalling and they’re ugly and they have no place in Australia.”

Senator Anning said in a post that has since been removed from Twitter:
“I am utterly opposed to any form of violence within our community, and I totally condemn the actions of the gunman.

“However, while this kind of violent vigilantism can never be justified, what it highlights is the growing fear within our community, both in Australia and New Zealand, of the increasing Muslim presence.

“As always, left-wing politicians and the media will rush to claim that the causes of today’s shootings lie with gun laws or those who hold nationalist views but this is all clichéd nonsense.

“The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place.

“Let us be clear, while Muslims may have been the victims today, usually they are the perpetrators. World-wide, Muslims are killing people in the name of their faith on an industrial scale.

“The entire religion of Islam is simply the violent ideology of a sixth-century despot masquerading as a religious leader, which justifies endless war against anyone who opposes it and calls for the murder of unbelievers and apostates.

“The truth is that Islam is not like any other faith. It is the religious equivalent of fascism. And just because the followers of this savage belief were not the killers in this instance, does not make them blameless. Anning finished by quoting a passage from the Bible and saying, “Those who follow a violent religion that calls on them to murder us (non-believers), cannot be too surprised when someone takes them at their word and responds in kind.”

The prime minister announced the government would censure the Queensland independent, after he and Foreign Minister Marise Payne joined the congregation at Lakemba Mosque for prayers on Saturday.

Morrison said there had been discussions between Senators Mathias Cormann and Penny Wong about a bipartisan motion when parliament returns in April.

“These comments are appalling and they’re ugly and they have no place in Australia,” he told reporters in Sydney.

“In the Australian Parliament also. And he should be, frankly, ashamed of himself.”

Opposition leader Bill Shorten voiced his anger at Anning, saying he was “chasing a headline.”

“I do wonder if he’s made Australians less safe overseas,” he told reporters in Melbourne.

“That’s another reason not to give this fool any more oxygen.”

Labor frontbencher Tony Burke described Senator Anning’s comments as “hate speech”, and told the ABC “the normalisation of bigotry is something that is not only confined to him.”

“We need to call it out, we need to make sure that no way any member of parliament fosters it. He wants the conflict and he wants the notoriety,” he said.

Bilal Rauf from the Australian National Imams Council said Anning’s statement “may as well have been an extract from the manifesto of the person that perpetrated these heinous crimes.”

“While they may be words, words create a certain environment, they embolden certain people, they give them a platform or a sense of confidence that they can do certain things,” he said.

“I hope there is a real question as to his position as a federal parliamentarian given the privileges and the responsibilities which are attached to that.”

Anning has continually been dropped from all the political parties that he was able to join. Most recently, Bob Katter, leader of Katter’s Australian Party, dropped Anning from his party after Anning called for a European immigration program in his first speech in Parliament.

“Clearly that is racist,” Katter said at the time.

A petition calling for Anning’s expulsion from parliament has amassed about 250,000 signatures.

“We call on the Australian government to expel this man who blames victims for their own violent deaths, and uses references to genocide to further his hateful agenda.”

Meanwhile, a 17-year-old boy was arrested after allegedly throwing an egg at Senator Anning at a speaking event at Moorabbin in Melbourne on Saturday.

The teenager has since been released pending further inquiries.

Australian flags across the country were flown at half mast on March 16 as the country grieved with New Zealand over the loss of life cause by the mosque massacre.

Locals in Christchurch have spent the day in mourning but scenes shared on social media have also showed how they have been coming together to grieve and strengthen their solidarity with acts of love.

By Eliza Berlage
The Epoch Times staff contributed to this report
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