August saw the highest number of Australians apply to leave the country over the past year.
According to figures from the Australian Border Force (ABF), 37,979 applications were received from individuals hoping to leave the country, with 14,900 of those looking to be overseas for three months or more.
A large portion of the applications—12,347—were rejected. Australia is one of the few countries in the world that require residents to apply for permission before leaving the country.
“There are literally tens of thousands of people out there on social media and elsewhere saying we’re done, we don’t need this anymore,” Andrew Cooper, president of LibertyWorks told the Daily Telegraph.

“There’s definitely that feeling out there—people saying I’m done,” he added.
While Australia has enjoyed some of the lowest infection and death rates from COVID-19, it has seen state governments apply stringent health restrictions and domestic border closures at any sign of an outbreak.
Currently, Greater Sydney and Melbourne have tried to contain outbreaks of the Delta variant of the virus, with both cities under extended lockdowns and stringent health restrictions including mask mandates, curfews, and travel limited to within 5km of a person’s home.
Melbourne entered its sixth lockdown on Aug. 4, which was originally planned for seven days, after eight cases emerged in the city. The lockdown was extended after new cases continued to emerge, and is currently ongoing.
Meanwhile, Greater Sydney has been under lockdown since last June, which has been extended twice until Sept. 30.
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