‘Merry Christmas, Australia!’ Political and Religious Leaders Express Best Wishes

‘Merry Christmas, Australia!’ Political and Religious Leaders Express Best Wishes
Leader of the Opposition Anthony Albanese (left) on Dec. 11, 2020 and Prime Minister Scott Morrison (right) on Dec. 9, 2020 in Canberra, Australia. (Sam Mooy/Getty Images)
Rebecca Zhu

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Labor Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese have wished Australians a merry Christmas.

In a video message with Toto, his dog, Albanese said Australians deserved a happy Christmas after the tough couple of years.

“Thanks to everyone for taking care of each other. Australians have stood together and now as our borders are opening up again, we’re getting back together off the zoom and actually back in the room with family, friends, and loved ones.

“May the festive season bring you joy, and may it be a sign of better times to come,” he said.

Morrison said this year had reminded Australians to be thankful for each other, while acknowledging the families grieving the loss of six children in Devonport, Tasmania.

The prime minister spoke about what the holidays mean to different people, including that some find the festive season lonely and that some will be missing lost loved ones.

“Merry Christmas, Australia! Christmas is a time of hope. Despite the many challenges we have faced this year, and the terrible losses so many Australians have experienced, I know we will find comfort and reassurance this Christmas in each other, and the quiet confidence and optimistic spirit that always enables Australians to push through,” Morrison said in a video on Facebook.
The Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, Peter Comensoli, said Christmas was the living memory of Emmanuel, who was “the greatest gift we had ever been given.”

“May Jesus, child of God and of Mary, and light to the nations, illumine the darkened regions of the world, and the shadowy places of the human heart.

“May the light of Christmas—the light of Jesus—spread out its rays to bring reconciliation between enemies, to light up bridges over troubled waters; to reveal new ways towards renewed friendships,” Comensoli said.

The Martin Place Christmas tree lights up in Sydney, Australia, on Nov. 28, 2020. (Brook Mitchell/Getty Images)
The Martin Place Christmas tree lights up in Sydney, Australia, on Nov. 28, 2020. (Brook Mitchell/Getty Images)
The Archbishop for the Anglican Church of Adelaide, Geoff Smith, said it would make a huge difference to the world if the people accepted God’s love and shared it with each other.

“As we come again to this Christmas time, I encourage us to ponder afresh the love of God seen most clearly in the coming of Jesus and to respond to this love by loving others. Showing forgiveness, gentleness, kindness, and graciousness.

“These are not just words—they actually make a difference. The challenges we face are very real. But in the end we can be sure we are not on our own. We are not unloved. God is with us. God loves us. We know that’s true, because of Christmas,” Smith said.

Politicians Send Greeting to Epoch Times Readers

Politicians also gave season greetings to readers of The Epoch Times and viewers of its sister-outlet, NTD.

Queensland One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts, New South Wales Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, South Australia Liberal Senator Alex Antic, and leader of the United Australia Party, Craig Kelly.

“Christmas is a time to reach out and bring close all those we love and those that continue to need our support after another challenging year,” Roberts said. “I hope you and your family enjoy safe and festive holidays. I pray that we can all meet in the New Year with hope and optimism.”

Antic wished all Epoch Times readers a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

“To all the readers, I, like you, look forward to continuing to read all of the great stories in 2022,” Antic said.

Kelly said the past year had been one of the most difficult and hoped that the new year would be better.

“We’ve seen human rights abused across the world. We’ve seen freedom fighters on the forefront try to protect freedom and democracy not only here in Australia, but also throughout the world,” he said. “Let’s hope that 2022 is a great year for the supporters of freedom and democracy.”