Medvedev: Russia Will Achieve Its Aims in Ukraine

Medvedev: Russia Will Achieve Its Aims in Ukraine
Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of Russia's Security Council, delivers a speech during a ceremony marking Shipbuilder's Day in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on June 29, 2022. (Sputnik/Valentin Yegorshin/Pool via Reuters)

LONDON—Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Monday that Russia would achieve its aims in the conflict in Ukraine on its own terms, warning that the West had a long-term plan to destroy Russia.

“Russia is conducting a special military operation in Ukraine and is attaining peace on our terms,” Medvedev, who serves as deputy chairman of Russia’s security council, told TASS in an interview.

Medvedev cast the 2008 war in Georgia, the enlargement of the NATO military alliance westwards, and the Ukraine war as part of an attempt by the United States and its allies to destroy Russia.

“The goal is the same: to destroy Russia,” he was quoted as saying.