Man Charged in Edmonton City Hall Rampage Reportedly Had Gun, Molotov Cocktail

Man Charged in Edmonton City Hall Rampage Reportedly Had Gun, Molotov Cocktail
Police surround Edmonton City Hall during an investigation on Jan. 23, 2024. (The Canadian Press/Jason Franson)
Doug Lett

A 28-year-old man is facing six charges after shots were fired and a Molotov cocktail was used at Edmonton City Hall on Jan. 23.

In a news release, the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) said Bezhani Sarvar faces six charges: reckless discharge of a firearm, use of an explosive substance, arson, possessing incendiary material, use of a firearm while committing an offence, and careless use of a firearm.

The EPS said the incident started around 10:18 a.m. on Jan. 23 when a man parked his vehicle in City Hall’s underground parking and entered the building from the parkade.

Police said that once inside City Hall, the man lit several hand-held incendiary devices, Molotov cocktails, and caused one small fire outside an elevator.

He then fired several shots into the ceiling, walls, and windows on the second floor, using a long gun.

“He then proceeded through City Hall with a firearm, firing multiple shots and shattering glass within the building,” EPS Chief Dale McFee told reporters.

The EPS said the man then dropped the gun on the floor and surrendered to a Commissionaire security officer stationed at City Hall, who detained him until police arrived moments later.

“It was an unarmed Commissionaire that initially detained this individual. His actions were above and beyond, and for that we’re grateful,” added Chief McFee, who also praised EPS members and other first responders.

In a statement sent to The Epoch Times, the Commissionaires of Northern Alberta praised the security officer’s actions.

“We are very proud of him and thank him for taking such bold and brave action to protect the public. He has been an employee with our Division since February 2023, and is a veteran of the Canadian military, having served as an infantry soldier for seven years,” said the statement.

They added that Mr. Sarvar, the man arrested, also worked for the Commissionaires.

“He had been employed by commissionaires since 2019 and was assigned to a variety of locations within the Edmonton area but was never assigned to the security detail at City Hall.” The statement said they could not comment further because of the investigation.

“We will participate in any review or investigation on this matter as needed,” it said.

Chief McFee said the incident could have been much worse.

“We’re incredibly lucky today that there are no reported injuries and no lives have been lost,” he said.

“But that being said, I don’t want to minimize the impact this has for those who were present at City Hall today, including a class of Grade 1 students. Active shooter events like this have lasting effects on our community.”

EPS and RCMP tactical teams worked for several hours to secure and clear the building. Chief McFee said police were making sure no one else had been involved and no incendiary devices or other dangerous items had been left the building.

Police also helped people who had been sheltering in place to leave the building.

In a Jan. 24 statement on his Facebook page, Edmonton Mayor Amerjeet Sohi said the incident was “deeply shocking for those involved, and for the city as a whole.”

He also addressed reports about a social media video that police say may be related to the incident. “I recognize that there is information circulating online being attributed to the alleged subject. Given that this is an active police investigation, I would like to ask everyone to allow time for the Edmonton Police Service to consider, assess and evaluate all information as part of their total investigative efforts,” the statement continued.

“While a lot of unanswered questions still remain, EPS has stated that this individual acted alone.”

The EPS said Mr. Sarvar is due in court on Jan. 25 for a bail hearing.

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