Law Change Considered After ‘Ridiculous’ Neo-Nazi March

Law Change Considered After ‘Ridiculous’ Neo-Nazi March
A supplied image shows a group of about 40 men seen wearing black balaclavas and brandishing Australian flags at Artarmon train station in Sydney, on Jan. 26, 2024. (AAP Image/Supplied by Transport for NSW)

Police could get further powers to crack down on “ridiculous” extremists who tried to drum up support for a racist revolution on Australia Day.

The group of about 60 hooded men, mostly wearing black masks and clothes, gathered in Artarmon on Sydney’s north shore before boarding a city-bound train on Friday.

But the group’s plans to march through the city were thwarted by quick-acting police who halted the train at North Sydney station.

Six people were arrested and taken to Chatswood Police Station and a further 55 men were fined for offensive behaviour.

Thomas Sewell, leader of the Australian neo-Nazi organisation National Socialist Network, was among those ordered to stay out of the Sydney CBD on public safety grounds.

The group later marched through northern Sydney, closely observed by police.

Condemning the behaviour, New South Wales (NSW) Premier Chris Minns had a clear message for the “white supremist thugs.”

“You are not welcome here,” he said.

“This sort of ridiculous behaviour is so out of keeping with the kind of culture that we have built up in this state.”

Nazi symbolism has been outlawed in NSW but the premier was open to strengthening the laws concerning so-called white power salutes.

“We’ve shown in the very recent past we’re prepared to act to keep the public safe and promote community harmony,” he said.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the head of Australia’s domestic spy agency had repeatedly warned of the rise of nationalist and racist violent extremism.

“It has no place and it has rightly been condemned by all decent people,” he said.

A prominent Australian Jewish leader meanwhile commended the swift police response while saying the neo-Nazis had “much in common with the pro-Palestinian element that has latched” onto Australia Day protests.

“They support fascism and violence,” Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-CEO Alex Ryvchin said.

“They want to destroy our country and they are obsessed with anti-Jewish conspiracies.

“This incident reminds us how fragile our social order is and the need for vigilance in the face of violent movements intent on spreading lies, hatred, and fear.”

NSW police were mostly pleased with the community’s behaviour.

“Considering the hot weather and significant crowds enjoying events, the vast majority celebrated safely, which made for a family-friendly day,” Assistant Commissioner Stephen Hegarty said.

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