Ken Lay Quits Victoria Bushfire Recovery Post

Ken Lay Quits Victoria Bushfire Recovery Post
Ken Lay (R) Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police speaks to the media as Andrew Colvin (L) Deputy Commissioner Victoria Police looks on in relation to the man shot after an altercation with Counter Terrorism officers on September 24, 2014 in Melbourne, Australia. Scott Barbour/Getty Images

Former Victorian police commissioner Ken Lay has resigned from his role leading the state’s bushfire recovery agency, just six months after getting the job.

Lay was chosen to lead Bushfire Recovery Victoria in January following the summer’s bushfires.

His role involved overseeing the government’s $320 million bushfire rebuilding and recovery program.

Emergency Services Minister Lisa Neville confirmed his departure on Wednesday.

“Ken has worked with us since the devastating January bushfires—travelling more than 7,000 kilometres, visiting 32 fire-affected communities and speaking to hundreds of Victorians,” she said in a statement.

“His vital work has helped us make important decisions in beginning the process of rebuilding Victorian communities and I thank Ken for all his work and wish him all the very best for the future.”

Lay will continue his work as chair of the premier’s Special Advisory Council on bushfire recovery, while the role will be dissolved and in part handed over to Emergency Management Victoria Commissioner Andrew Crisp.

The overall day-to-day running of Bushfire Recovery Victoria will be managed by CEO Lee Miezis.

Lay, a former Essendon football club board member, stepped down as chairman of Ambulance Victoria and as Victoria’s Lieutenant-Governor in order to take the role at Bushfire Recovery Victoria.

He is set to resume these roles.

By Benita Kolovos