Jordan Peterson Says He Will Not Comply with College’s Disciplinary Training

Jordan Peterson Says He Will Not Comply with College’s Disciplinary Training
Then-University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson speaks at an event in Sherwood Park, Alta., on Feb. 11, 2018. (Jason Franson/The Canadian Press)
Peter Wilson

Jordan Peterson says he will not comply with a disciplinary training course that the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO) is requiring him to take for his social media posts.

“My critics have weaponized the College of Psychologists’ disciplinary process for political reasons. The college wants to send me to a re-education camp—and it should concern everyone,” Peterson wrote in an article published in the National Post on Jan. 4.
Peterson’s remarks follow a decision made by CPO on Nov. 22, 2022, that will require him—under possible penalty of appearing before a college tribunal and losing his license—to successfully complete a training course “regarding professionalism in public statements” called the “Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program (SCERP).

Peterson said today that he will not be complying with the CPO’s disciplinary training course.

“I’m not submitting to re-education,” he wrote, later adding, “The next step is a mandatory public disciplinary session/inquiry and the possible suspension of my clinical licence.”

Peterson said he is being disciplined by the College for “retweeting Pierre Poilievre,” criticizing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, and others.

He included the names in a letter he wrote recently to Trudeau, which he included in his article.

“I am not suggesting or even presuming that you or any of the people associated with you had anything directly to do with this. However, the fact that it is happening ... is something that has definitely happened on your watch,” Peterson wrote to Trudeau.

‘As Public As Possible’

Peterson today wrote that he would have been required to complete the training at his own expense—which he said costs hundreds of dollars per hour—and for an amount of time that will be determined by CPO.

“How will this be determined? When those very re-educators—those experts—have convinced themselves that I have learned my lesson, and will behave properly in the future,” he said.

Peterson further said that agreeing to the training course would’ve been equal to an admission of his unprofessional conduct.

Peterson today wrote in a Twitter post that he intends to make the details of the allegations being levied against him “as public as possible” while still abiding by legal and ethical restrictions.
Elon Musk responded to Peterson’s announcement of the college’s disciplinary actions against him by posting two exclamation marks. Peterson then replied to Musk saying, “It’s worse than you think in Canada.”

“Regulated professionals are now terrified into silence by their respective colleges. This means they are no longer able to say what they believe to be true,” Peterson wrote.

“That is extremely concerning!” Musk replied.

CPO responded to The Epoch Times’ request for comment on the matter by saying that confidentiality provisions forbade them from providing additional information.
Tara MacIsaac contributed to this report.