‘Jew Die’ Graffitied at Melbourne Jewish School

Politicians from both sides of politics have expressed concern. Victorian Police put out an appeal for witnesses on May 27.
‘Jew Die’ Graffitied at Melbourne Jewish School
A cyclist wearing the flag of Israel is seen during an art exhibition and demonstration at Centennial Park in Sydney, Australia, on Jan. 14, 2024. (Jenny Evans/Getty Images)
Monica O’Shea

Politicians on both sides of have condemned the words “Jew Die” being sprayed on the fence of a school in Melbourne’s east.

The graffiti was sprayed at the entrance of Australia’s largest Jewish school, Mount Scopus Memorial College.

Victorian Police have put out an appeal for witnesses after the message was written in black paint at the school.

The school principal, who found out about the incident on Saturday morning, has expressed that students at the school no longer feel safe.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese took to X on May 25, writing that targeting Jewish schools has no place in Australia or anywhere in the world.

Victorian Deputy Premier Ben Carroll expressed a similar sentiment, saying that this has no place in the state.

“I’ve spoken with the Principal of Mount Scopus College and conveyed my disgust at the anti-Semitic graffiti. Hate has no place in Victoria.

“Our strength is our diversity. We come from 200 countries and practice 135 faiths.”

Further, Premier Jacinta Allan shared Mr. Carroll’s post to X, adding that the biggest victims of anti-Semitism are children.

“This is unacceptable in any community, in any school—anywhere. Sending strength to Scopus and the whole community,” Ms. Allan said.

Deputy Victorian Liberal Leader David Southwick called for action to be taken, claiming Jews are being targeted while leaders “do nothing.”

“The ugly face of Victoria—violent threats against Jewish businesses, organisations, and now our largest Jewish day school,” he said.
“These haters don’t hate Israel, they hate Jews. Stand up. Be counted. Enough words. We need action.”

Police Appeal For Help As Investigation Continues

Victorian Police said they take any reports of racial or religious based crime extremely seriously, adding that there is absolutely no place in society for anti-Semitic sentiments or behaviour.

A Victorian Police spokesperson confirmed to The Epoch Times no arrests have been made at this stage.

“Investigators have been in regular communication with the college since a report was made to police and understand that this incident has been extremely difficult for the school community,” Victorian police said in a statement.

“As part of the investigation into the incident police will be speaking to residents of nearby properties and canvassing the local neighbourhood for CCTV footage.”

Police said they have already been conducting regular patrols of the areas surrounding the college.

The Whitehorse Crime Investigation Unit within the police force is now appealing for public help.

“An external wall of a college on Station Street was vandalised with an offensive message written in black paint, sometime between 9pm on Friday and 12pm on Saturday 25 May,” Victorian police confirmed.

More Politicians Speak Out

Labor Federal MP Josh Burns said there is no excuse for targeting Jewish schools, businesses or institutions.

“This is unacceptable graffiti at Mount Scopus college has no place in Australia. Everyone and every leader must call this out for what it is—blatant anti-Semitism.”

Liberal Senator Sarah Henderson said the graffiti attack on Australia’s largest Jewish School in Melbourne is “sickening.”

“The ugly tide of anti-Semitic hate and incitement in our community must stop. This requires moral courage and leadership,” she said.

Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) President Philip Zajac called for more action from government and police.

“Mount Scopus is a welcoming school where our children and grandchildren go to learn. I went to school there, my children went to school there. Tens of thousands of Jewish Victorians were educated at Mount Scopus,” he said.

“I cannot comprehend the depravity of the person who decided to scrawl that slogan on the school fence.

“The JJCV has been warning government, police, other leaders for months that we are heading towards a dangerous place where anti-Jewish hate is becoming normalised. That message has not been heeded and look where we are today.”

The federal government has announced, following the incident, that it is currently looking at introducing hate speech laws. 
The incident took place as the Israel and Hamas war continues to rage in the Middle East, following Hamas’ attack on Israel on Oct. 7.

Greens Planning to Recognise Palestine State

Meanwhile, the Greens Party is planning to move a motion in Parliament to recognise Palestine, with party leader Adam Bandt pointing to other countries that are doing the same.
“Labor says today they support recognition of Palestine. We'll move in Parliament next week for Australia to recognise Palestine. Other countries are doing it. Let’s see how Labor votes,” he said.

Meanwhile, pro-Palestine activists held a rally in Melbourne on May 26 as part of the National Day of Action at the ports.

Signs including “Free Gaza, Stand with Palestine” and “Free Palestine, Stop Israel’s Genocide now” were seen in footage of the event.

“It’s time to keep organising our unions as rank and file workers to mobilise in our masse and free Palestine,” Unionists for Palestine said.

Monica O’Shea is a reporter based in Australia. She previously worked as a reporter for Motley Fool Australia, Daily Mail Australia, and Fairfax Regional Media.
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