Israel Targets Hamas Tunnels in Gaza, Strikes Focused on Commanders and Senior Officials

Hundreds of Hamas terrorists have, thus far, been killed by the Israeli military, with dozens detained.
Israel Targets Hamas Tunnels in Gaza, Strikes Focused on Commanders and Senior Officials
Israel Defense Forces soldiers walk through Kibbutz Be'eri where days earlier Hamas militants killed over a hundred civilians near the border with Gaza in Be'eri, Israel, on Oct. 11, 2023. (Alexi J. Rosenfeld/Getty Images)
Naveen Athrappully

The Israeli military is targeting the terror group Hamas’ vast network of underground tunnels in Gaza that it uses to carry out attacks on the country, according to an update from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

The Gaza Strip is “one of the densest populated areas in the world,” IDF spokesperson Jonathan Conricus said in an Oct. 12 update by the military. It runs about 20 miles from one end to the other, with the widest location being nine miles across and the most narrow location less than six miles. “What Hamas has done since they took control almost 20 years ago of the Gaza Strip is basically to build a network of tunnels from Gaza City and under Gaza City, which is the center and the biggest part of their infrastructure” all the way down to other areas of the strip, he said.

“Think of the Gaza Strip as one layer for the civilians and then another layer for Hamas. And what we’re doing now is that we are trying to get to that second layer that Hamas has built—by the way, only for itself, not to be accessed by the civilians.”

These tunnels are not bunkers where Gazan civilians can find safe space during Israeli strikes, he said. Instead, they are solely used by Hamas to continue firing rockets at Israel, to plan out terror operations, and to launch terrorists into Israel. “That’s the only thing that this network is for.”

“So that is what we’re attacking. And the Israeli Air Force (IAF) has been striking a lot of targets in various neighborhoods in the Gaza,” Mr. Conricus said.

One of the areas “heavily targeted” by Israel in its recent series of strikes was a neighborhood in Gaza City that had “lots of cameras, infrastructure, and other facilities.” The spokesperson clarified that “the neighborhood wasn’t targeted, but specific military targets inside were targeted, and many of them were struck.”

The Israeli military is currently prioritizing striking Hamas senior officials and commanders “from all echelons,” Mr. Conricus stated.

“Whenever we have intelligence that indicates the whereabouts of a senior Hamas official or military commander, we strike in that location. And the places where we know that Hamas has the infrastructure—whether it is financial, or construction, or command and control, collection of intelligence, research, and development—whatever it is, if it belongs to Hamas, we are striking it,” he said.

According to an IDF operational update issued Oct. 12, over 1,200 Israelis are now deemed to have died from the Saturday attack. More than 3,000 Israelis are injured. Over 95 families have been notified that their loved ones have been taken hostage by Hamas.
Five thousand-plus rockets were fired from Gaza. More than 2,600 terrorist targets in Gaza have been hit by the Israeli military. 169 IDF soldiers fell in battle. Hundreds of Hamas terrorists have been killed in Israel and dozens detained.

Military Is ‘Destroying Hamas’

In an Oct. 12 press release, the IDF said it conducted a wave of strikes targeting the Nukhba elite forces of Hamas.

“The Nukhba elite forces consist of terrorists selected by senior Hamas operatives, designated to carry out terrorist attacks such as ambushes, raids, assaults, infiltration through terror tunnels, as well as anti-tank missile, rocket, and sniper fire.”

A child walks past a mural depicting soldiers firing rockets as Palestinians mark the 34th anniversary of the founding of the Islamist Hamas movement, which rules the Palestinian strip, on December 11, 2021. (Said Khatib/AFP via Getty Images)
A child walks past a mural depicting soldiers firing rockets as Palestinians mark the 34th anniversary of the founding of the Islamist Hamas movement, which rules the Palestinian strip, on December 11, 2021. (Said Khatib/AFP via Getty Images)

The Nukhba were one of the leading forces that infiltrated Israel and carried out the attack on Saturday that triggered the current war. Strikes were targeted at Nukhba command centers used by terrorists involved in the Saturday attack.

In addition, IDF aircraft struck a senior Hamas operative, Muhammad Abu Shamla, whose residence was used to store naval weapons intended for attacks against Israel.

In a statement on Thursday, IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari said that the military is “destroying Hamas’ capability to operate in the Gaza Strip. The terrorist organization is unable to function, and we will continue to destroy its capabilities until it is not operational. The Hamas terrorist organization is in a state of chaos.”

“Between Tuesday and Wednesday, we neutralized a murderous terrorist who had recorded every brutal act he committed. No terrorist is immune.”

Tens of thousands of Israeli soldiers have been deployed in the area surrounding Gaza. Four encounters have taken place in the region over the past 24 hours, with IDF soldiers successfully neutralizing the terrorists.

The Lebanon Situation

According to updates from the IDF on Telegram, an incidence of infiltration from Lebanon into Israeli airspace was suspected on Wednesday.

Civilians in certain areas were asked to enter shelters. IAF aircraft and IDF soldiers conducted searches in areas suspected of infiltration. However, the infiltration scenario was eventually ruled out.

People wave Hezbollah and Palestinian flags during a rally in celebration of the attacks carried out by the Hamas terrorist group against Israel, in the southern Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh, Lebanon, on Oct. 7, 2023. (Bilal Hussein/AP Photo/)
People wave Hezbollah and Palestinian flags during a rally in celebration of the attacks carried out by the Hamas terrorist group against Israel, in the southern Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh, Lebanon, on Oct. 7, 2023. (Bilal Hussein/AP Photo/)
Lebanon’s Iran-backed Shiite terror group Hezbollah had earlier fired rockets against Israel. On Oct. 11, the Israeli military shelled certain areas in southern Lebanon in retaliation.

On Monday, Israeli helicopter gunships struck areas near the Lebanese border and some regions within the Lebanese territory. The strikes came after gunmen coming from southern Lebanon tried to infiltrate Israel.

In his update, Mr. Conricus said that while Israeli forces are “deployed in significant numbers” in the southern part of Israel, Hezbollah is deployed in Israel’s northern border. The military is “very vigilant to any attempt by Hezbollah to escalate the situation.”

Except for an incident where Hezbollah fired an anti-tank missile, the situation is “relatively stable on the Northern front.”

“In the Mediterranean, a U.S. battle group is making its way and I think almost arrived. I think there'll be positioned somewhere around here, northern part of Israel along the Lebanese coast at a safe and tactically wise distance from that area,” he said.

“And the message from the U.S. Central Command is one of presence and perhaps room for thought for any other Iranian proxies in the region—Hezbollah or anybody else—whether or not it would be wise to engage in escalating the war against Israel.”