An ISIS militant who is imprisoned in Iraq claimed that the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi will lead to terror attacks in European countries.
He also said he thinks ISIS will be attacking Europe soon, though he didn’t specify which country or countries the attacks are planned for.

The last attack claimed by ISIS in Europe took place in Dec. 2018, when a man shot 16 people in Strasbourg, killing five.
The previous one took place in May 2018, when Benjamin Herman killed two female police officers in Belgium. Herman was killed and ISIS claimed responsibility.
The terror group also claimed responsibility for a January terror attack in the Philippines that left some 22 people dead and injured over 100 others, and a terror attack on Easter that left over 250 dead in Sri Lanka.

Asked for his reaction to al-Baghdadi’s death, Hasik told ABC: “I don’t really care ... when another one dies another pops up. How much you kill, another one comes. This is the game they play. The Americans play this game and the Islamic State plays this game.”
He said the death of the leader makes “no difference,” except it could make the situation worse.
Hasik expressed no remorse for what ISIS has done, including carrying out beheadings, rapes, slavery, and a number of terror attacks around the world.
“I didn’t write their destiny,” he said about the victims, which include American Kayla Mueller. “This is their destiny.”
“I was just a policeman,” he added. “We just caught people doing drugs and things like that. I was just doing a job. This war is dirty. And I’m fed up with war. I want to live a normal life with my family and kids.”