ISIS bride Shamima Begum’s jihadi husband has surfaced in Syrian captivity and told reporters it was Begum’s “own choice” to marry him when she was just 15.
The journalist asked the ISIS extremist, “You were married to her when she was 15 years old; how in any way is that acceptable? You were, what, 23?”
Riedijk replied, “To be honest, when my friend came and said there was a girl who was interested in marriage, I wasn’t that interested because of her age, but I accepted the offer anyway.
“We sat down and she seemed in a good state of mind. It was her own choice, she was the one who asked to look for a partner for her. Then, I was invited and yeah, she was very young and it might have been better for her to wait a bit. But she didn’t, she chose to get married and I chose to marry her,” Riedijik continued.
His Dutch citizenship hasn’t been revoked and he told the BBC he would like to return to the Netherlands with Begum and their newborn son.
‘Highly Damaged’
The mother of the remorseless Begum earlier expressed fears that her “highly damaged” daughter might brainwash her newborn son with ISIS propaganda.“Her mum doesn’t even recognize her,” Akunjee said, adding, “They’re eager to take the baby and bring him up as her situation is sorted.”
“Shamima is highly damaged and the family doesn’t want the newborn brought up by her in that state of mind,” he said.
Historian and author Tom Holland said in a tweet: “If she’d wanted to signal that she was returning to Britain in peace, she might have considered naming her baby after someone other than Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah.
“[He was] a general from the early days of the Arab conquests chiefly famed for beating the [expletive] out of infidels.”
She admitted, however, that she had benefited from extraordinary treatment at the camp due to the international exposure.
“They gave me my own tent. They’re being a bit nice to me right now because I’m all over the news.”

‘No Regrets’
In recent interviews, a largely unrepentant Begum said that while she did not agree with everything the terror group had done, she has “no regrets” about joining ISIS and suggested that air strikes against the terror group in Syria somehow “justified” the Manchester Arena terror attack.[epoch_social_embed]
“Because they had beheaded people. There were executions,” she replied, “Yeah, I knew about those things and I was okay with it.”
‘Potentially Very Dangerous’
Security experts such as British intelligence service head Alex Younger have warned, however, that would-be returnees like Begum were “potentially very dangerous” because they were in “that sort of position,” people like her were likely to have acquired certain “skills or connections.”Survivors and other victims of the murderous cult’s reign of terror, meanwhile, are furious at the prospect of ISIS women getting a sympathetic hearing in the Western press, or worse—a free pass.
Ali Y. Al-Baroodi, who survived ISIS’s bloody occupation of Mosul, told the Jerusalem Post that claims on the part of jihadi brides that they were “just housewives,” as Begum has insisted, are simply false.
“It was hell on Earth and every single one of them made it so,” he said, asking sarcastically if perhaps local victims of the jihadi women should “apologize for disturbing their stay there.”
“[ISIS] demolished cities and hundreds of mass graves, [and left] thousands of orphans and widows,” he added.
“It’s impossible to muster sympathy for her,” author and academic Idrees Ahmad wrote in reference to Begum, according to the Post. “She went to Syria as a colonizer, several months after ISIS beheaded journalists and aid workers.”