‘Hijacked by Ideology’: Girl Guides Fire Western Australia CEO for Questioning Transgender Membership Policy

‘Hijacked by Ideology’: Girl Guides Fire Western Australia CEO for Questioning Transgender Membership Policy
A participant waves the rainbow flag during the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Pride Parade in Budapest on July 24, 2021. (Ferenc Isza/AFP via Getty Images)

A former CEO of Girl Guides who was terminated for expressing her disapproval of the transgender policy says the traditional organisation has been “hijacked” by the transgender ideology and urges the institution to “wake up and realise what’s going on.”

Karyn Lisignoli was dismissed by Girl Guides Western Australia (WA) in December, just over a week into her job, after she sought legal advice on changing the membership rule back to only include biological women.

The current Girl Guides WA constitution defines a girl as “any person under the age of 18 years who lives their life as female”, and a woman as “any person aged 18 years or older who lives their life as female”.

On Dec. 16, Lisignoli contacted women’s rights lawyer and head of Save Women’s Sport Australia, Katherine Deves, via Twitter, commenting under Deves’ tweet about the UK Supreme Court ruling against gender-neutral passports.

“I’ve noticed our constitution panders to this ideology,” the former CEO wrote. “Can I DM you to find the legal standing on this? If we change it back to biological female, are we breaking the law?”

The conversation was noticed by LGBT+ publication OUTinPerth, which then sent a series of questions to Lisignoli and Girl Guides, prompting Girl Guides WA chairwoman Yvonne Power to sack Lisignoli on the basis that she had ‘caused a serious and imminent risk to the reputation of the organisation.”

Girl Guides Western Australia terminated former chief executive Karyn Lisignoli's employment for her comment on its transgender policy on Feb. 16, 2022. (provided)
Girl Guides Western Australia terminated former chief executive Karyn Lisignoli's employment for her comment on its transgender policy on Feb. 16, 2022. (provided)

But the former CEO argued that the “bigger public relations issue” is when “the average mums and dads in Australia realise… such an iconic and traditional organisation such as Girl Guides, the world’s biggest girls development organisation had capitulated to this [transgender] ideology.”

“Most parents when they send their daughters to girl guides are assuming they’re doing so because they want their daughters to get the benefit from female role models and female peers in a female-only environment,” Lisignoli told The Epoch Times.

“If anyone can self-identify, that person doesn’t have to transition, and this creates an absolute huge loophole, where predatory men can then have access to girls,” she said. “Just a full biological male can just suddenly say, I’m a female, and you need to call me she.”

Lisignoli further noted that while some people “naively” believe that allowing trans women in women’s spaces is “the compassionate thing to do,” people often don’t realise the “dangerous implications” of this “until they really get right to the edge.”

“Not all men are predators, of course, only a small percentage, but that small percentage will lie and manipulate and deceive and do whatever they need to do in order to access victims.”

“When it comes to safety, our biological sex has to take precedence over gender identity because there are very real biological differences between males and females. Men are bigger, stronger, more powerful, and men have the ability to rape women.”

The Girl Guides’ Guidance to Support Diversity and Inclusion states that “an individual is to be considered the final authority on their own gender identity” and that “it is not appropriate to judge who is and who is not a girl.”

It also noted that any child, including those who are transgender girls, “may use the bathroom/change room that corresponds to their gender identity provided that they feel comfortable to do so.”

“As a Youth Member of your unit, the girl will participate in the same activities as all other Youth Members of your unit. This includes sleeping in the same area as the other Youth Members of your unit.”

Girl Guides Australia chief commissioner Rosemary Derwin told The Australian on Feb. 11 the guidelines had been composed in accordance with state and territory anti-discrimination laws in 2018.

“All people are treated equally and with mutual respect regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. If a transgender girl goes to school as a girl, and her friends go to Guides, it’s important they can come too. Otherwise, it’s discriminatory,” Derwin said.

However, Lisignoli said the new guidelines were shaped by recent social justice trends that have been sweeping through corporate Australia for decades.

“The real concerning thing is that people can’t even ask a question now, as opposed to what we all need to be doing is asking really hard questions,” she said.

“I asked a question. And Girl Guides WA folded in fear of the potential onslaught, and there wasn’t even any buzz [from the article]. And that is how aggressive this ideology is.”

A better way to support kids with gender dysphoria, the former CEO said, is not by affirming their identity but by offering them therapy and giving them love and assistance in a compassionate and non-affirming manner.

“If someone goes into to see a therapist, and they said, I’m depressed, and I want to kill myself, the therapist doesn’t go, okay, well, here’s some methods for you to do,” she noted.

“This affirmation and social contagion model means that a lot of kids who were just suffering from a lot of other psychological issues or coming to terms with the fact that they’re gay, now suddenly being pushed into an identity that doesn’t fit them with often really tragic results.”

Nina Nguyen is a reporter based in Sydney. She covers Australian news with a focus on social, cultural, and identity issues. She is fluent in Vietnamese. Contact her at [email protected].
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